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Put the tip of your tongue against the upper gum, pronounce with weaker breath breaking through the obstruction.

Put the table in the middle of the living-room. 把这张桌子放在客厅的中间。
Put the tablecloth on the picnic table, 将桌巾铺在餐桌上,
Put the thing to the right place. 把东西放到该放的地方去。
Put the things in order. 把东西放到该放的地方去。
Put the things where they are. 把东西放到该放的地方去。
Put the tip of your tongue against the upper gum, pronounce with weaker breath breaking through the obstruction. 发音时,舌尖抵住上齿龈,较弱的气流突破阻碍而发声。
Put the top back on that felt-tip pen or it will dry out. 给毡头笔套上笔帽,不然就乾了。
Put the toys away; jewels locked away in a safe. 把玩具收好;锁在保险箱里的珠宝
Put the tray over there. 把托盘放到那边去.
Put the two tables end to end over by the window. 把这两张桌子连接起来放在窗子旁边。
Put the wardrobe in the corner opposite the door. 把衣柜放在对著门的那个角落里。

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