These show that Qing authorities were unable to provide a safe social environment that would allow widows to maintain their chastity without worry.
中文: 政府当道并未能提供安全的社会环境,以使妇女安心守节。 更详细进入...
Incident response is usually one of those security areas that tends to be impromptu—you don't think about it until you have to. But that needs to change.
中文: 事故响应通常是安全区域之一,倾向于未经准备-您不考虑直到必须时。但这需要改变。 更详细进入...
In order to explore the characteristics of poor safety culture, accident report re-analysis was used on the ground of cultural dimensions. 61 accident reports were collected in a petrochemical plant and 55 pieces had mentioned people behaviors.
中文: 该报告再分析的材料是厂内档案可查的事故报告61份,根据其中55份事故报告的专家编码分析结果,得到了不良安全文化的特征是:较低水平的管理对安全的承诺、较差的安全遵守、缺乏应急管理的有效措施、沟通与协调障碍。 更详细进入...
I will always obey your law, for ever and ever.
中文: 44我要常守你的律法、直到永永远远。 更详细进入...
K is for king, kings and bears often worry keepers.
中文: 代表国王,国王和熊常使守护人担心。 更详细进入...
The generality of the Oriental manner is very conservative.
中文: 大多数东方人的风俗是非常保守的。 更详细进入...
Tom often intentionally/deliberately makes strange noises in class /on purpose.
中文: 汤姆经常在课堂上故意发怪声。 更详细进入...
Haywood, he's a great defender,Yao said afterward.
中文: “海伍德,他的防守非常好,”姚明后来说. 更详细进入...
And there were wars between Rehoboam and Jeroboam continually.
中文: 罗波安与耶罗波安时常争战。 更详细进入...
Peace to all. Peace be all.
中文: 平众生,常安宁。 更详细进入...
Barracks are now the only buildings into which Guard Captains can be slotted.
中文: 兵营现在是唯一能安置守卫队长的建筑。 更详细进入...
Different airlines do have different guideline for operaitons.
中文: 每间航空公司都会有其飞行安全守则的。 更详细进入...
Operators shall follow the regulations on fire control safety and adopt corresponding measures on fire control safety.
中文: 作业人员应当遵守消防安全规定,并采取相应的消防安全措施。 更详细进入...
Observe the canonical exception-safety rules: Always use the resource acquisition is initializationidiom to isolate resource ownership and management.
中文: 遵守规范的异常安全规则:利用“资源分配即初始化”这一习惯以隔离资源的所有权和资源管理。 更详细进入...
A: First theyll say I am very punctual.
中文: 首先他们会说我是一个非常守时的人。 更详细进入...
And there was war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam all their days.
中文: 30罗波安与耶罗波安时常争战。 更详细进入...
Grounding the machine is always necessary for the normal operation of the machine.
中文: 为了正常安全运转,应安装地线。 更详细进入...
This notice is given in order to provide foreigners associated with our college the best possible working and living environment and to enhance their safety by reducing the risk of unfortunate events taking place.
中文: 为了给外籍教师、留学生创造一个良好的工作和生活环境,防止意外事故发生,特结合我州我校实际制定此安全守则。 更详细进入...
As a result of smoking, my father often cough.
中文: 因为吸烟的缘故,我父亲经常咳嗽。 更详细进入...
In the case of smoking, my father usually coughs.
中文: 因为吸烟的缘故,我父亲经常咳嗽。 更详细进入...