Life is like walking a tightrope;if we do not focus on what is ahead,budt keep looking behind,we are sure to fall.
中文: 人生就像走钢索般,如果不认真往前看却一直往后看,一定会跌下去。 更详细进入...
Disturbingly, the proponents of reproductive cloning are trying to co-opt the term “therapeutic cloning” by claiming that employing cloning techniques to create a child for a couple who cannot conceive through any other means treats the disorder of infert
中文: 令人不安的是,鼓吹生殖复制的那些人(见〈生殖复制:他们要制造婴儿〉一文),正利用著「医疗复制」之名,宣称他们使用复制技术,是为了制造婴儿给那些用尽各种手段都还无法受孕的夫妻。 更详细进入...
Apparently she prefers not to rub elbows with his friends.
中文: 她明显地不喜欢和他的朋友交往。 更详细进入...
Doesn't every architect want?
中文: 难道每个建筑师不都这样向往吗? 更详细进入...
He adds a few words to the words list from time to time.
中文: 21他不时地往单词表里加点单词。 更详细进入...
It is really an unusually day today. Because today is weekend.
中文: 今天不同于往常,因为今天是周末。 更详细进入...
Possession diminishes perception of value, immediately.
中文: 拥有可望减少的价值,迅疾无比。在物品、感情、人事方面往往都是如此。但话说回来了,谁敢说哪个就一定真实? 更详细进入...
The differences between the signifiers in different languages are obvious, while the differences between the signifieds are seldom understood, which leads to the difficulties in foreign language acquisition.
中文: 能指的不同是明显的,而所指的不同则往往不为人们所理解,所指在不同语言之间的差异正是外语学习中的难点。 更详细进入...
A fortress often has turrets.
中文: 堡垒往往带有塔楼。 更详细进入...
Privileges often give rise to abuses.
中文: 特权往往导致弊端。 更详细进入...
Prospect is often better than possession.
中文: 盼望往往胜于拥有。 更详细进入...
Any capricious behavior will confuse loved ones and your mood swings will result in loneliness.
中文: 任何反复无常的表现都会让爱人感到困惑,你不定的情绪也只能导致自己的孤独。 更详细进入...
A sophisticated house was situated undoubtedly on an unlimited road, owned by a complicated wedding beloved maid who was afraid of air-raid.
中文: 毫无疑问,一座复杂而先进的房子,座落在一条无限制的马路上,由一个复杂受到爱戴的结婚少女所拥有,她害怕空袭。 更详细进入...
Follow-up for ~8 months(mean,. months) in the patients showed no recurrence of calculi under B-ultrasonography or symptoms of urethral stricture like dribble urination.
中文: 例术后随访 ~8个月,平均.个月,B超或KUB未见结石复发,无排尿不畅等尿道狭窄症状。 更详细进入...
Decide for yourself, continue reading.
中文: 恩,是不是愚蠢,自己去想,先往下看。 更详细进入...
Her tears flowed freely (down her cheeks).
中文: 她眼泪止不住地(顺著面颊)往下流. 更详细进入...
A woman is beautiful anyway as long as she follows her own nature, no matter whether she devotes herself to love, handles housework enjoyably, or foster her baby concentratedly.
中文: 一个女人,只要她遵循自己的天性,那么,不论她在痴情地恋爱,在愉快地操持家务,在全神贯注地哺育婴儿,都无往而不美。 更详细进入...
Second process: After operated by the front forward gas baffler, the paper reciprocates to the drum of the second layer to perform flanging of the backside.
中文: 第二个过程:纸张经前推气挡板之作用,再往复至第二层滚筒完成后边折边。 更详细进入...
Third process: After operated by the back forward gas baffler, the paper reciprocates to the drum of the third layer to perform flanging of the front side.
中文: 第三个过程:纸张经后推气挡板之作用,再往复至第二层滚筒完成前边折边。 更详细进入...
To use: Brush through lashes from base to tip. Repeat for even greater lash impact.
中文: 用法:从睫毛根部由上往下刷。如欲达至自然纤长上佳效果,可重复刷上多层。 更详细进入...