The short story The Eggs by Sherwood Anderson is a masterpiece in digging into this theme.
中文: 舍伍德?安德森最优秀的短篇小说《鸡蛋》就是深刻地表现这一主题的力作。 更详细进入...
The China safe insurance company Kong Zi and Newton's picture compoundplacement in company's direction hall, company's enterprise culturedeep deeply gets melts China and the west most outstandingtraditional cultureto a body brand mark, is the enterprise c
中文: 中国平安保险公司把孔子与牛顿的像并列安置在公司的督导厅,公司的企业文化深深打上“融中国和西方最优秀的传统文化”于一体的烙印,是企业文化建设的成功典范。 更详细进入...
Cohabitation without legal marriage.
中文: 非法同居没有合法婚姻关系的同居 更详细进入...
Urban residents tended to die of malign tumors while rural dwellers in the Beijing area were felled by cerebrovascular disease.
中文: 城市居民死于恶性肿瘤者居多,而郊区居民则多死于脑血管疾病. 更详细进入...
Authorities are urging people who refused to evacuate the low-lying Florida Key West island chain to take safety precautions.
中文: 有关当局敦促佛罗里达州低洼的基韦斯特岛屿上拒绝撤离的居民采取安全措施。 更详细进入...
A member of any of a group of South American Indian peoples living along the coast of Brazil, in the Amazon River valley, and in Paraguay.
中文: 图皮族居住在巴西,亚马孙河河谷和巴拉圭的南美洲印第安人的一个民族的成员 更详细进入...
And I will repay Babylon And all the inhabitants of Chaldea With all their evil which they have done In Zion before your eyes, declares Jehovah.
中文: 24耶和华说,我必在你们眼前,报复巴比伦人和迦勒底一切居民在锡安所行的诸恶。 更详细进入...
Authorities are urging people who refused to evacuate the low-lying Florida Keys island chain to take safety precautions.
中文: 有关当局敦促佛罗里达州低洼的基韦斯特岛屿上拒绝撤离的居民采取安全措施。 更详细进入...
JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
中文: 耶稣能创造新生命、能安慰受伤的心、能重建破碎的家庭、并在天上为我们预备居所。 更详细进入...
The people fought against disease, famine, and the Algonquian Indians, whose land the British settlers now claimed.
中文: 居民和死亡、饥饿,以及亚拉冈昆族、那些土地被英国的殖民者略夺的印第安人交战。 更详细进入...
But those students and residents who lived through the worst chapter in the city's history locked away indelible memories that are surfacing again as the execution date nears.
中文: 但是,随着死刑刑期的临近,经历过这座城市历史上最恐怖事件的学生和城里的居民把他们再一次出现在脑海中无法磨灭的记忆深深的埋藏起来。 更详细进入...
This aircraft's safety record is an impressive testament to its designers' skill.
中文: 这种飞机的飞行安全记录令人印象深刻,证明了该机种设计师本领非凡。 更详细进入...
An ugly, squalid, or depressing dwelling.
中文: 蜗居丑陋、肮脏或气氛压抑的居住地 更详细进入...
Foundation and development in our country of supplementary pension will have a far-reaching impact on capital market.
中文: 企业年金在我国的建立和发展,也将对我国的资本市场产生深远的影响。 更详细进入...
He was later the Deputy Director of the Shanghai Water Authority, where he advised on environmental planning for Shanghai's waterways and urban tributaries.
中文: 汪先生是一位资深的水务和水利专家,曾指导和规划上海的水环境规划。 更详细进入...
Oral English Courses are given by multilingual with international teaching certificate and wide experience in teaching.
中文: 英语口译班:教师由国内知名专家、资深翻译组成,均有丰富的口笔译经验。 更详细进入...
Some senior academician were retired to make room for younger and successful scientists.
中文: 科学院的部分资深院士提出退休,以便为更年轻有为的科学家腾出位置。 更详细进入...
The Plant Resources of Liliaceae and Orchidaceae from Mt. Maluanshan in Shenzhen,China and their Protections
中文: 深圳马峦山地区百合科和兰科植物资源及其在生态环境构建中的意义 更详细进入...
First, align your investments with your financial goals, in other words, keep the money you may need for the short-term out of more aggressive investments, reserving those investment funds for the money you intend to raise over the long-term.
中文: 首先依您的财政目标安排您的投资,就是说,保留您可能需要在短期日常运用的金钱,预留那些资金作为您的长期投资。 更详细进入...
He cares for her deeply.
中文: 他深深地爱著她. 更详细进入...