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Authorities are urging people who refused to evacuate the low-lying Florida Key West island chain to take safety precautions.

Authorities are reviewing surveillance video for clues. 警察正在回顾看录象来寻找线索。
Authorities are still assessing the damage after a landslide over this morning in San Francisco's North Beach district. 相关部门仍在调查今早发生在旧金山北部海岸地区发生的山体滑坡所造成的影响。
Authorities are still looking for another suspect. 官方称,他们还在寻找另一名疑犯。
Authorities are still searching for one person. 警方目前正在追捕剩下的一名嫌犯。
Authorities are trying to figure out what sparked the rampage. 权威人士正试图调查引起疯狂行为的原因。
Authorities are urging people who refused to evacuate the low-lying Florida Key West island chain to take safety precautions. 有关当局敦促佛罗里达州低洼的基韦斯特岛屿上拒绝撤离的居民采取安全措施。
Authorities are urging people who refused to evacuate the low-lying Florida Keys island chain to take safety precautions. 有关当局敦促佛罗里达州低洼的基韦斯特岛屿上拒绝撤离的居民采取安全措施。
Authorities are warning people to avoid the benzene fumes rising from the river. 当局警告人们远离江水中升起的含有苯的气体。
Authorities aren't saying how they died. 当局并没有说明他们的死亡原因。
Authorities arrested one of the men in Puerto Rico, the second in Florida. 他们分别在波多黎各和佛罗里达被官方抓获。
Authorities at Asahiyama Zoo in northern Japan intend to take penguins on strolls to fend off obesity from December till April. 日本北海道旭山动物园的负责人计划从今年12月到明年4月让园内的企鹅每天坚持散步,以防止它们发福.

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