Anybody who did anything in America up to1900 was liable to be made into a film... on the grounds of being a pioneer.
中文: 举凡在1900年以前在美国做过某些事的人,都很容易被拍成电影……以他是先驱人士为其理由。 更详细进入...
For example, as an Amish man says, If you have a telephone in the house it begins to 1)take over your life.
中文: 举例而言,就如一名艾米许男子所说,「如果你在家里装了一具电话,它就开始掌控你的生活。 更详细进入...
The movie, which sees teenage Sweethearts head to the altar, grossed an estimated $US34.2 million in its debut weekend, box office-trackers Exhibitor Relations said.
中文: 据报道,美国喜剧系列电影,《美国派3:美国婚礼》,在周末首映中,一举夺得美国票房的第一名。 更详细进入...
The indirect apodosis is often a speech act without a speech-act prefix.
中文: 间接论断句经常是省略了言语举动前缀的言语举动。 更详细进入...
These are called midterm elections because they come halfway through the president's term.
中文: 这个称为中期选举,因为是在总统任期的中期举行的。 更详细进入...
Whether it is in the mayoral or city council elections, smaller parties increasingly find themselves with less space to survive.
中文: 不管在市长选举或市议员选举,小党的空间越来越小。 更详细进入...
Will you vote in the Legislative Council Election in 2004?
中文: 二零零四年举行既立法会直接选举,你会唔会去投票? 更详细进入...
These fundamental advances suggest that supercomputers in our pockets (as well as our heads) and buildings which can easily withstand powerful hurricanes and earthquakes are possible.
中文: 从民用工程至先进的分子电子学的应用正在出现,从而有希望改变经济学。 更详细进入...
Movie American Wedding, the third film in the romantic comedy American Pie series, took the biggest slice of the US box office action over the weekend, preliminary figures report.
中文: 据报道,美国喜剧系列电影,《美国派3:美国婚礼》,在周末首映中,一举夺得美国票房的第一名。 更详细进入...
They were there for a dress rehearsal for the final of a competition sponsored by BTV, which is exclusively open to foreigners.
中文: 这次比赛是由北京电视台举办,只允许外国人参加的比赛,他们正在为最后的决赛做彩排。 更详细进入...
The Expressionist movement revived a new and emancipated human nature, and its literary subjectivity echoes the human nature and love advocated by the Storm and Stress movement.
中文: 表现主义运动复活了一种新的、解放的人性,其文艺的“主观性”原则体现了“狂飙突进时期”的人性和博爱内容。 更详细进入...
Earlier, Arabic television station al Jazeera reported at least 40 people were killed in the air strikes.
中文: 早些时候,阿拉伯语的半岛电视台报导说,至少40人在这次空袭行动中丧生。 更详细进入...
For Synchronous motor or other drives with significant torque fluctuations ,please consult Sinc E&D.
中文: 对于同步电机驱动或较大扭矩波动甚至振动发生的机组,垂询申克工程部。 更详细进入...
You cannot rent a locker if you do not have deposit in the E-purse Account or not transfer the deposit to On-line Payment Account!!
中文: 如果电子钱包没有存款或者没有转账至网上支付户口,将不能租借储物箱!! 更详细进入...
The design of the nanobattery enables it to lie dormant for at least 15 years, perhaps as a power source for a sensor that monitors radioactivity or one that tracks the buildup of toxic chemicals.
中文: 奈米电池的设计让它可休眠至少15年,或许可当做感测器的电源,用以监测放射线,或是追踪毒性化学物的累积。 更详细进入...
From church building to pastor to mission budget to …? what's next?
中文: 从教堂至聘牧至差传预算至…下一步该怎麽走? 更详细进入...
30 years industry experience. Prior experience in power plant, air pollution control systems, or design institute preferred.
中文: 至少两年以上工业经验.具有电厂,空气污染控制系统或设计院经验者优先. 更详细进入...
Carbonization mechanism of bamboo was investigated by means of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR).
中文: 摘要利用电子顺磁共振(ESR)技术对竹材热处理至900℃的炭化机理进行了研究。 更详细进入...
Meanwhile, the yearning season, I will be sincere and best wishes to concentrate messages with care and thought? With the airwaves towards you.
中文: 中秋,思念的时节,我将真诚与祝福浓缩至短信,带着关怀与思?,随电波飞向你。 更详细进入...
Morse's system linked most major cities in the United States and Europe, and it is still used today.
中文: 摩尔斯的电报连接着美国和欧洲的大多数主要城市,甚至直到现在被使用。 更详细进入...