For example, an exclusive dealing arrangement may prevent other manufacturers from obtaining enough access to sales outlets to be truly competitive.
但也有一些非价格限制协定也可能是反竞争性的。 |
For example, an image that is all black or all white has zero entropy; an image of a chessboard, which contains an equal number of regularly distributed light and dark pixels, has low entropy; images with more varied distributions of many intensity levels
例如,全黑或全白的图像熵值为零;又如,国际象棋棋盘的图案,其具有相等数量,并且有规则的明暗像素,这样的图像熵值较低;有着不规则图案和颜色层次复杂的图像具有较高的熵值,并且被认为包含更多的信息。 |
For example, an intruder who is trying to retrieve proprietary data or customer databases probably should be combated much differently from an intruder who is trying to shut down a network.
比如说,对付一个正试图检索私人数据或客户数据库的入侵者和对付一个正试图瘫痪网络的入侵者很可能要采取极不同的斗法。 |
For example, an investment decision relative to new capital expenditures might be processed in terms of a capital expenditure decision model.
例如,一项投资决定相对于新的资本支出也许根据一项政府支出决定模型被处理。 |
For example, analysts responsible for departmental budgets are skilled at using variance analyses and activity-based costing (ABC) techniques.
例如,负责部门预算的分析师长于运用偏差分析和基于作业的成本(ABC)技能。 |
For example, as an Amish man says, If you have a telephone in the house it begins to 1)take over your life.
举例而言,就如一名艾米许男子所说,「如果你在家里装了一具电话,它就开始掌控你的生活。 |
For example, as we become more and more technologically inclined, the music we listen to has followed the same trend.
例如,随着我们越来越倾向于使用科学技术,我们所听的音乐也跟随着同样的趋势。 |
For example, as well as explaining a new language, language teachers often provide other learning experiences such as books, charts, videos, audio cassettes,songs, debates and group work.
譬如,除了讲解新的语言外,语言教师还时常会运用书本、图片、录像、磁带、歌曲、辩论和小组讨论等形式,提供其他学习体验。 |
For example, astronomers can search for disks by their infrared radiation.
例如,天文学家可利用红外辐射搜寻气盘。 |
For example, at 3rd level, Alexandra the nomad has 8 power points (4 bonus power points for her 18 Dexterity --- key to Psychoportation --- plus the 4 power points granted to a 3rd-level psion).
举个例子,灵旅者亚历珊卓在3级时有8点灵能点(4点额外灵能点来自18的敏捷值——心灵传送系的关键属性——加上3级心灵术士应有的4点灵能点)。 |
For example, at first he would always be ignored by the salespeople when he went shopping in stores.
比如说,他去商店买东西,一开始经常被售货员们冷落在一边。 |