My first thought was that someone had illegally entered my apartment and was intent on robbery or foul play.
中文: 我翻了个身,看到客厅的另一端,门边的窗户旁有一个身影,我以为是一个人。 更详细进入...
One can receive information about Tubing processing as well as Surface processing with K?nig Metall GmbH &Co. KG.
中文: KG是一家灵活的企业,该企业针对客户需求制造专门的表层加工,管道加工。 更详细进入...
China Netcom is actively searching for the perfect commercial model for broadband value added services, with the focus on online games, online education, remote hospital, and online broadcasting; the company also aims to integrate IDC resources and portal
中文: 中国网通积极探索宽带增值业务合理的商业模式,突出抓好网上游戏、网上教育、远程医院、网上直播等应用项目;加快IDC资源和门户网站资源整合,建立中国网通统一品牌的门户网站。 更详细进入...
User's personal data can be spiedwith the backdoor's help, but are mainly used to install furthercomputer viruses or worms on the relevant system.
中文: 在后门程序的帮助下,用户的个人信息可以被窃取,但后门程序主要被用来安装后续的病毒或者蠕虫在相关的系统上。 更详细进入...
However, the survey shows that only 6.1 per cent of users have ever appealed to supervisory departments and about half of them do not know how to cancel unwanted SMS subscript_ions.
中文: 然而,调查显示,只有6.1%的手机用户收到垃圾短信后会向监管部门举报,近一半的用户不知道如何退订没有订阅的短信服务。 更详细进入...
A Backdoor is a software program that gives an attacker unauthorized access to a machine and the means for remotely controlling the machine without the user's knowledge.
中文: 后门是一种软件程序,让攻击者非法进入机器和手段遥无控制机用户的知识. 更详细进入...
Need to keep a close contact with company management team and other departments as well as customers. Good communication, coordination and organization skills.
中文: 需与公司领导层、各部门及客户保持密切联系。需较强的沟通、协调及组织能力。 更详细进入...
Doorway to the World… an Assumption University education, be it at the baccalaureate, master or doctorate level, is a degree of quality and acceptance.
中文: 通往世界的门户:易三仓大学的学士、硕士和博士学位的教育质量受世界承认。 更详细进入...
His window was open, for the beloved janitress Spring had turned on a little warmth through the waking registers of the earth.
中文: 窗户敞开着,因为亲爱的女门房——春——已经打开苏醒大地的暖气管,送来一丝暖意。 更详细进入...
Note: For upgrading to on-site service from 2 nd Year or 3 rd Year, please contact to our service hot line: 2721-0689.
中文: 注意:如欲在第二及第三年升级至上门服务,请联络我们的客户服务热线:2721-0689。 更详细进入...
The client's management was adamant about conducting the investigation in a manner that would provide the opportunity to prosecute if necessary.
中文: 客户管理部门在以提供在必要时起诉的时机的方式引导调查方面是坚硬的。 更详细进入...
WWW.IMAGINGTRADE.COM is the English website of www.Print-Base.com. And will be the first window website of global printer consumable trade.
中文: COM是中国打印耗材网英文全球站,全力打造全球打印耗材贸易第一门户网站。 更详细进入...
Blog controversies have become a magic weapon of the portals with eye-catching with radical words and various topics.
中文: 话题众多、各执一词、言语激烈的博客论战成了一些门户网站吸引眼球的法宝。 更详细进入...
It is situated at No. 1, Dacisi Road, Chengdu City and has Medium Department, Planning Department, Originality Department and Customer Service Department etc.
中文: 公司位于成都市大慈寺路1号,下设媒介部、策划部、创意部、客户服务部等部门。 更详细进入...
Material Certification—When specified, complete chemical and physical properties of major valve components can be supplied.
中文: 材料证书—如果用户要求,可以提供主要阀门部件完整的化学和物理特性资料。 更详细进入...
It made us knew clearly that the weakness took a beating, the fury and deport war is not only related to china's outlook and fortune, but also to china whether it can meet the challenge of peace and development, which is called the two themes, then shaped
中文: 这令我们更加认识到落后就要挨打,也愈来愈深刻地理解了这场激烈而持久的竞争不仅关系到中华民族的前途和命运,而且关系到中国能否经受和平与发展这两大时代主题的挑战,从而形成了强烈的忧患意识和责任感。 更详细进入...
Expand Local Users And Groups, and select Users.
中文: 展开本地用户和用户组,选择用户。 更详细进入...
Deliverables and activities include: Conceptual design, Interactive storyboard development, Persona creation, Competitive and Internal UI reviews, Site maps generation, Navigation design, Concept definition docs, User scenarios, rapid prototyping, feature
中文: 作为用户体验团队的成员,将会和视觉设计师、页面工程师、用户行为分析师和用户研究人员一起合作,并和业务部门沟通和合作,在产品设计和开发过程中贯彻“用户为中心”的工作方法和工作流程。 更详细进入...
Carinda / Gameinatrix.com: Never, never, never, never.
中文: “没门,没门,没门,没门。” 更详细进入...
H&Z industry media can make custom-built service and make specimen, news, poster, calendar and other client publication, and this service also contains the complete set service of publication's editor, publish and send.
中文: 鸿与智工业媒体可为客户专门制作样本、新闻快讯、招贴画、年历等客户出版物,包括出版物的设计、编辑、印刷到邮寄的全套服务。 更详细进入...