Article 7 The state economy is the sector of socialist economy under ownership by the whole people; it is the leading force in the national economy.
中文: 第七条国营经济是社会主义全民所有制经济,是国民经济中的主导力量。 更详细进入...
The National People's Congress enacts and amends criminal, civil, and state organic laws and other basic laws.
中文: 全国人民代表大会制定和修改刑事、民事、国家机构的和其他的基本法律。 更详细进入...
Non-covert nuking is to nuke the enemy, but not rely on cloaking, but rather protect the ghost witha massive force already there.
中文: 不隐蔽的丢核弹,用很多兵保护鬼兵明目张胆的丢核弹。 更详细进入...
The Platoon Medic has several responsibilities above and beyond what a normal medic has.
中文: 一个排医疗兵有一些在一般医疗兵之上或之外的职责。 更详细进入...
This technology will be the missing link between infantry and artillery.
中文: 这项技术将会成为连接起步兵部队与炮兵部队的纽带。 更详细进入...
There's something interesting : When arriving in the village beside Yellow river,the youngster of Yellow river(now he's old with gray hair) will tell you that his father has once used this Dao to fight against bandits,and the ironsmith shop in front of th
中文: 还有一点有意思的是:到了黄河边上的村落里,当年的黄河少年(如今已须发皆白)就会告诉你,他的父辈曾使用此刀与悍匪激战,村头的铁匠铺就是当年的兵工厂. 更详细进入...
In the summer of 1937 when the Kuomintang troops began their flight to the Yellow River, underground Communists, who had been in hiding for years and who were completely out of touch with the party, came out into the open and began to pick up arms disband
中文: 一九三七年夏天,国民党军队开始向黄河撤退时,那些隐藏多年并与上级党组织完全失去联系的地下共产党员们,捡起败兵遗弃的武器,站出来进行公开活动了。 更详细进入...
A senior official said reinforcements numbering about 20,000 troops,and maybe more, could be in place within months.
中文: 一位高级官员称,增兵人数将达到两万人,甚至更多,而且全部会在数月内部署完成。 更详细进入...
Article 450 This Chapter shall apply to officers, civilian staff, soldiers in active service and cadets with military status of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, police officers, civilian staff and soldiers in active service and cadets with military s
中文: 第四百五十条本章适用于中国人民解放军的现役军官、文职干部、士兵及具有军籍的学员和中国人民武装警察部队的现役警官、文职干部、士兵及具有军籍的学员以及执行军事任务的预备役人员和其他人员。 更详细进入...
The soldiers say they are simul-taneously reaching out to the local populace and scouting for anti-Iraqi forces.
中文: 士兵表示在接触了解当地人民的同时,也一边观察附近是否有反伊拉克政府的势力在运作。 更详细进入...
In some situations he will detach the PltMed to a different squad, whereas in other situations it may prove safer to keep the PltMed further to the rear and simply bring all casualties from that squad to him or to another squad's medic.
中文: 在某些请况下,指挥官会将派医疗兵拆分给不同的小队,而在另一些情况下,把排医疗兵部署在相对前线更为后方的位置,并将前线的所有伤亡人员带给他或其他小队医疗兵将会显得更为安全。 更详细进入...
Better reveal a long kept secret to refrain others from blaming you.
中文: 长久守着的秘密最好抖出来,免各人皆埋怨你. 更详细进入...
A known fundamental is a usele fundamental.
中文: 人人皆知的基本原理是毫无用处的基本原理。 更详细进入...
Because it has very good smell and taste, it is a nutritious drink for people.
中文: 具有浓郁的豆奶香味,是老幼皆宜的理想饮品。 更详细进入...
He was terribly indignant at what he saw as false accusations.
中文: 他认为那些指责皆属不实之词, 因而十分气愤. 更详细进入...
Guard: Yes. Papers. If you live in Glarandar, you go to the Central Booking and Deeds office in the Inner City to get your entry papers.
中文: 卫兵:是的,通行证。如果你是格拉旺达的居民,那么去内城的中央登记处办理你的入境通行证。 更详细进入...
In feudal society, the government did not allow the common people to have iron or steel weapons.
中文: 在封建社会朝庭不许民间私藏兵器,少林寺僧为了护法、护寺、护僧,就用烧火棍练就一身武艺。 更详细进入...
A known fundamental is a useless fundamental.
中文: 人人皆知的基本原理是毫无用处的基本原理。 更详细进入...
Both are considered significant factorsaffecting water quality.
中文: 这两项活动皆被认为是影响水质的重要因素。 更详细进入...
A church, school, hospital, asylum , or prison is an institution.
中文: 教堂,学校,医院,收容所或监狱皆属公共机构。 更详细进入...