Because it declined to rest its judgment on ripeness grounds, preferring to dispose of the case on the merits, the latter court's decision precludes, both practically and legally, any takings claim with respect to Lucas' preamendment deprivation.
因为其拒绝接受成熟原则的判断,无论是从实践上还是法律上,后来法院的裁定排除了卢卡斯的征用主张。 |
Because it fits me like a glove.
因为这份工作就像手套一样合适我。 |
Because it forms a key part of one of the most interesting courses we offer our students: one where they have to bring to bear all the critical skills and understandings they have acquired during their degree programme in producing a piece of television d
因为它构成我们课程的关键部分,这个课程是我们提供给学生最有趣的课程之一;在这门课的课堂上,他们必须运用他们在学位课程期间学到的全部批评技巧和认识,用这些来制作一部电视剧作品。 |
Because it had demonstrated our country Universities nurturing the human achievement in the high level, impels between the universities and society's exchange effectively, now has become a dominantly activity in the university student class -odd science a
由于其在较高层次上展示了我国高校的育人成果,有效推动高校与社会之间的交流,如今已成为高校学生课余科技文化活动中的一项主导性活动;更因在全国大学生课外学术科技领域的导向性、示范性和群众性,而被冠以中国大学生学术科技界奥林匹克的美名。 |
Because it had no rules, rap offered them limitless freedom to express themselves.
又由于饶舌乐并没有乐理规则,所以让歌手们有无限的自由可以表达自我。 |
Because it has very good smell and taste, it is a nutritious drink for people.
具有浓郁的豆奶香味,是老幼皆宜的理想饮品。 |
Because it inoles destroying human embryos, opponents call it unethical and immoral.
因为要涉及到破坏人类胚胎,反对者称它是不反伦理和不人道的。 |
Because it involves payment, we need to raise Purchasing request. And if not familiar with supplier qualification, it is recommended that we get Purchasing associate to evaluate.
由于制作宣传品与付款有关,我们需要提交采购单。但是如果不熟悉供应商的资信度,可以让采购部员工一同来评估。 |
Because it is a healthful way to exercise , aerobic dancing is considered an excellent method for releasing tension.
因为有氧操是一种健康的锻炼方式,所以他成为被公认的最优秀的普及电视运动节目。 |
Because it is a trial, and what if the sword contemn even the rod? it shall be no more, saith the Lord God.
结21:13有试验的事.若那藐视的杖归于无有、怎麽样呢.这是主耶和华说的。 |
Because it is based on interviews with people about their firsthand experiences with crimes, the bureau's survey does not include homicides.
由于该报告是根据采访到的受害者的第一手犯罪资料,统计局的调查没有包括杀人案。 |