She was in a comatose state and had a bilateral lower limb skin rash, arthralgia, mild muscular rigidity and hyperreflexia.
中文: 她处于昏迷状态,伴有双下肢皮疹、关节痛、轻度肌强直和反射亢进。 更详细进入...
Objective:To observe the efficacy of colchicine combined with low dosage prednisone in treatment of prurigo nodularis.
中文: 目的 :研究秋水仙碱联合小剂量强的松治疗结节性痒疹的疗效。 更详细进入...
For if we find you taking life too seriously, we will come up and tickle your funny bone to re-mind you that it is just a game.
中文: 因为如果我们发现你太严肃对待你的生活,我们将在你的胳肢窝搔痒来提醒你它只不过是一场游戏。 更详细进入...
My head aches/is aching.
中文: 我头痛. 更详细进入...
I have had hunger pains for years. Over the counter medicine, milk always stop the pain. The pain at night is something new. I feel awfully weak.
中文: 我有饥饿腹痛好多年了。牛奶常能止痛。夜间痛是新毛病。我觉得很虚弱。 更详细进入...
Result The effectual rate of hepudiod cream keeping skin humid from desiccation and doffing crumbs, relaxing scar tickle and pain symptom, avoiding wound chap, preventing scar tissues from excess hyperplasia is00%, 9.7%, 90%, 9.7% and 7.7% respectively.
中文: 果单用海普林软膏对Ⅱ°烧伤愈合处保湿、防止干燥脱屑有效率达00%、缓解疤痕痒痛症状有效率分别达9.7%及90%,防止创面皲裂有效率达9.7%,预防疤痕过度增生有效率达7.7%。 更详细进入...
[size=2][b]Abstract:[/b] The risk of cluster headache (CH) is associated with the G-allele of the G1246A polymorphism in the hypocretin receptor 2 (HCRTR2) gene.
中文: 摘要:丛集性头痛的危险与食欲素受体2的G1246A等位基因多形性有关。 更详细进入...
The most frequent manifestations at disease onset were oral aphthae(.8%) and erythema nodosum(.%), followed by genital aphthae, arthralgia/arthritis and inflammatory ocular disorders.
中文: 最常见的首发症状为口腔溃疡(.8%)和结节红斑(.%),其次为生殖器溃疡、关节炎/关节痛及眼部病变。 更详细进入...
The key to happy life could be accepting that some misery are unavoidable.
中文: 人生快乐的关键在于能够懂得接受在生命中那些无法避免的痛苦。 更详细进入...
Males with painful ejaculation will not experience any pain when having sexual intercourse under normal circumstances.
中文: 射精疼痛男性在正常情况下性交无疼痛。当达到性欲高潮是却在射精过程中发生疼痛,称为射精疼痛。 更详细进入...
A small swelling on the skin, as from an insect bite, that usually itches or burns.
中文: 疹块皮肤上的小隆起肿块儿,如被虫咬过后,常瘙痒或伴随有灼伤感 更详细进入...
I have a sore throat.
中文: 我喉咙痛。 更详细进入...
Severe stomach pain could be a sign of appendicitis. Severe chest or back pain could be a sign of a heart attack.
中文: 严重的腹痛可能是阑尾炎的症状,严重的胸痛或背痛可能是心脏病发作。 更详细进入...
In dreams you sometimes fall from a height, or are stabbed, or beaten, but you never feel pain unless, perhaps, you really bruise yourself against the bedstead, then you feel pain and almost always wake up from it.
中文: 您有时会梦见从高处掉下来,或是被人砍杀,但是您从不会感到疼痛,除非您自己真的撞在了床上,才会感到痛,并且往往会痛得醒过来。 更详细进入...
It is the thought of sin that calls to us to thank God with the broken and contrite heart, which God will not despise, that works in us that contrite and humble spirit in which He delights to dwell.
中文: 就是因为想到罪才使我们存破碎痛悔的心来感谢神,这破碎痛悔的心,神必不轻看,他要在我们里面作工,并喜悦住在痛悔谦卑的灵里。 更详细进入...
Objective To certify the analgesic effect of anti-pain powder by oral administrtion.
中文: 目的证明口服抗痛粉是否有强镇痛效应。 更详细进入...
In 1993, aged just 51, Robert Frederick Chelsea Moore died of cancer and the world of football mourned.
中文: 1993年,年仅51岁的他由于癌症,不幸辞世,世界足坛悲痛不已。 更详细进入...
By decreasing the release of these chemicals in the skin, fluocinolone reduces inflammation and relieves itch.
中文: 透过减少这些化学物质在皮肤层,氟轻松能减轻炎症和解除痕痒。 更详细进入...