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I have had hunger pains for years. Over the counter medicine, milk always stop the pain. The pain at night is something new. I feel awfully weak.

I have had a lot of customer service training and experience, and I have been told that I excel in this area. 我参加过很多客户服务培训,也有很多这方面的经验,别人也曾说我在这个领域很出色。
I have had enough of this bald life. 我受够了这种枯燥的生活。
I have had few opportunities of meeting her. 我没有几次见她的机会。
I have had five year*' **perience with a company as a salesman. 本人曾在某一公司担任推销员,前后有五年之久。
I have had great results so far. I have added a full cup size. I think your product is wonderful! 我很快就看到效果了。现在在我已经整整增大了一个罩杯。非常感谢这个神奇的丰胸产品。
I have had hunger pains for years. Over the counter medicine, milk always stop the pain. The pain at night is something new. I feel awfully weak. 我有饥饿腹痛好多年了。牛奶常能止痛。夜间痛是新毛病。我觉得很虚弱。
I have had many crazy adventures with these sneakers, but one of the best times was when my best friend Rachel and I stayed up all night making stencils of Japanese animation characters and spray painting the all over Staten Island. 我穿着这双鞋经历了许多冒险,其中最值得一提的是,我与最要好的朋友瑞秋整夜没睡用蜡纸制作并在整个史塔顿岛上到处喷涂日本人物.
I have had my bike repaired. 我已经把自行车修好了。
I have had my breakfast. 我已经吃早饭了。
I have had no exercise for ages; I'm really out of condition. 我已多时没运动了,现在健康状况欠佳。
I have had no prior access to the ’07 engine, but have had support from some that have suggesting that my theories still hold water. 我本人并没有优先权对07的引擎进行接触,不过仍然有支持说我的理论仍然站得住脚。

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