It is the thing that's creating the opportunity to do business in new ways.
它是正在创造机会以新的方式做生意的事物。 |
It is the third hand which is distinct from and correlative with market and government.
它是与市场调节、政府干预既相区别又相关联的第三只手,是解决三农问题的重要制度工具。 |
It is the third largest country in the world with an area of 9.6 million square kilometers.
中国是世界上第三大国,面积960万平方公里。 |
It is the third veto of his presidency and the second involving embryonic stem cell research.
这是在他的任期内第三次否决此议案.第二次涉及到胚胎干细胞研究! |
It is the thorn he has got.
这是他的忧愁和苦恼。 |
It is the thought of sin that calls to us to thank God with the broken and contrite heart, which God will not despise, that works in us that contrite and humble spirit in which He delights to dwell.
就是因为想到罪才使我们存破碎痛悔的心来感谢神,这破碎痛悔的心,神必不轻看,他要在我们里面作工,并喜悦住在痛悔谦卑的灵里。 |
It is the thought of sin that makes Christ so unspeakably precious, that keeps you every moment dependent on His grace, and gives you the claim to be more than conqueror through Him that loved us.
就是因为想到罪才使基督显得不可言喻的宝贵,使你每时每刻依靠他的恩典并且叫你靠着那爱我们的主作一个得胜有余的人。 |
It is the thought of sin that will keep you low at His feet, and give the deep undertone to all your adoration.
就是因为想到罪,才使你低声俯伏在他脚前,深深地降服敬拜他。 |
It is the thought of sin, ever surrounding you and seeking to tempt you, that will give fervency to your prayer, and urgency to the faith that hides itself in Christ.
就是因为想到罪常常围绕你,常来试探你,因此你的祷告就能恳切,你的信心,就是隐藏在基督里的信心才能坚强。 |
It is the time to have dinner.
快到吃晚饭的时间了。 |
It is the time to resurvey, organize and plan our nation's ocean strategies as China's concern about the ocean strategies is not as sufficient as demanded by the challenging salutation.
摘要已经到了一个必须对“国家海洋战略”进行重新审视、梳理和设计的时候,这是因为,中国对海洋战略的重视程度离挑战引发的需求还有不少差距。 |