This could feel horribly tacky, the Japanese equivalent to hitting the lounge at any chain restaurant attached to your local shopping mall.
中文: 在临近购物广场的小型旅馆,几乎到处都是日本人,一般来说,会让人感觉有些不自在。 更详细进入...
Eph. 1:23 Which is His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all.
中文: 弗一23召会是他的身体,是那在万有中充满万有者的丰满。 更详细进入...
The allotment that you shall set apart to the Lord shall be 25, 000 cubits in length and 10, 000 in width.
中文: 结48:9你们献与耶和华的供地、要长二万五千肘、宽一万肘。 更详细进入...
The heave offering that you shall offer to Jehovah shall be twenty-five thousand reeds in length and ten thousand reeds in width.
中文: 9你们献与耶和华为举祭的地要长二万五千苇,宽一万苇。 更详细进入...
This makes more sense as spring is a time of rebirth and renewal.
中文: 这一时间更为合理,因为春天是万物复苏、万象更新的时节。 更详细进入...
It also became clear in later years that the Chiang family had pocketed hundreds of millions of dollars of American aid intended for the war.
中文: 后来几年,事情变得明朗化,蒋氏家庭A了好几亿用来支援中国抗日和打共产党战争的美援。 更详细进入...
A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.
中文: 一个人选敌人时一定要万分小心。 更详细进入...
I'd rather start on a moderate scale, say, 10,000 tons.
中文: 我想一开始规模适中,比如一万吨。 更详细进入...
A unit of advertising copy equal to one agate line one column wide printed in one million copies of a publication.
中文: 百万行一种宣传广告品的单位,等于现在一百万份出版物上的一行一栏宽的报纸广告行 更详细进入...
And with a corn shortfall of 15 million tons and stocks already largely depleted, China may soon have to import corn as well.
中文: 玉米的缺口为1500万吨,而且储备所剩无几,中国很快将不得不同样要进口玉米。 更详细进入...
According to to the official U.S. government classification of the Asian race, The proportion holding a professional and managerial job varied from 8.4 percent for Laotian to over 66 percent for the Taiwanese, and In terms of wages the Taiwanese and Japan
中文: 根据美国的官方资料,在纽约都会区,中国人超过五十万人口排名第一,排第二的亚裔印度人约45万人,另外台湾约1万五千多人口,而具有专业和管理职业的百分比从最低寮国的8.4%到最高台湾的66.6%,中位数薪资以台湾和日本的5万美金最高,孟加拉的2万美金最低。 更详细进入...
Day after day, Tim eats his lunch alone.
中文: 日复一日,蒂姆总是一个人吃午饭。 更详细进入...
I was taken aback and didn't think Zhang would stab me in the back. I placed too much trust in her.
中文: 我万万没想到张某会在背后捅我一刀。我过去太信任她了。 更详细进入...
China told Japan bluntly Sunday that it had nothing to apologize for after weeks of anti-Japanese protests, some violent, in cities across the country.
中文: 中日)两国关系始终纠缠于历史问题的悬而未决,日本首相小泉纯一在2001年参拜靖国神社更是加深了紧张的气氛.日本的战争犯都在此服刑,他们和死于战争的250万日本人共同受到供奉. 更详细进入...
In Sri Lanka alone, around 25,000 may have died from Sunday's waves and 1.5m made homeless.
中文: 仅在斯里兰卡,约25000人可能已死于周日的海啸,并有150万人无家可归。 更详细进入...
The entire landmass of the country is 378,000 sq. kilometers, an area smaller than that of California.
中文: 日本土地总面积为37.8万平方公里,比美国加利福尼亚州的面积还小。 更详细进入...
After several attempts at literature, Miss Alcott wrote “Little Women,” which was an immediate success, reaching a sale of 87,000 copies in three years.
中文: 在文学方面几经尝试,奥尔科特小姐写下了《小妇人》一书,立即获得极大的成功,三年之内销售了八万七千册。 更详细进入...
Only a few dozen of these rags, with a circulation of 35m, are in English, but they get about half of the advertising cash.
中文: 其中英文报纸只有十几份,虽然总发行量只有3千5百万,但其广告收入却占到印度整个报业的一半以上。 更详细进入...
The report shows patent filings have increased in line with economic growth over the past 20 years, almost doubling to 1.6m globally in 2004.
中文: 上述报告显示,在过去20年内,专利申请量随着经济的增长而上升,2004年,全球申请量几乎增长一倍,达到160万件。 更详细进入...
True, in bog-standard equities anyone with a few million dollars and smart programmers can set up a network and take on the exchanges (see article).
中文: 确实,在普通的股票业,只要有几百万美圆和聪明的程序编写员,谁都可以建立起一个网络来进军交易所市场。 更详细进入...