Planes can and do intermix without the knowledge of the inhabitants of the particular planes involved.
中文: “数个层面能够并确实相互渗透,无需知晓所涉及的特别层面的居民的知识。 更详细进入...
This research is aimed to syntegrate the study of demand and supply of the bicycle tourism and through analyze different perspectives covering factors which include tourist-cyclist, tourism industry bicycle supply and manufacturing, recreational environme
中文: 研究结论比较国外与国内的发展模式,提出台湾发展自行车观光模式之建议,一方面提供政府投资建设决策之参考,另一方面提供业界生产行销策略之调整。 更详细进入...
However, it just makes them even more conscious of that “imperfection”, a pain that wouldn't go away.
中文: 但是,这只让他们更加意识到那个挥之不去的“污点”。 更详细进入...
I came away from those four arduous years at Yale tremendously enriched.
中文: 在耶鲁苦读四年之后,我的学识获得了极大的充实。 更详细进入...
Here you sit today, each of you a tremendous energy vessel brimming, overflowing with experience in this consciousness of opposites.
中文: 今天,在这里,你们每一个都乘坐着一艘巨大的能量之船,满溢着在这对立的意识界里的经验。 更详细进入...
That these casualties only increase anti-American sentiment in Iraq seems to be ignored in Washington.
中文: 这些伤亡只会增加伊拉克人的反美情绪,而华盛顿方面似乎没有意识到这一点。 更详细进入...
I am sure the wide awake people of this country will participate in the debate.
中文: 我相信这个国家的有识之士肯定会参加这场辩论。 更详细进入...
Welcome more educational devotees to join us!
中文: 愿更多有共识之士加入我们的行列,为教育而献身! 更详细进入...
Eventually your concrete mind and your abstract, higher mind are linked, and the next stream of consciousness can be approached and crossed.
中文: 最后,你的具体心智和抽象的大我心智连结,而能够到达并越过下一道意识之流。 更详细进入...
Bridegrooms and brides always didn't know each other before their wedding, for they got married under their parents' orders and by matchmakers' help.
中文: 新郎新娘在结婚前通常互不相识,他们的结合是由于父母之命和媒妁之言。 更详细进入...
The management and audit of the secure cryptographic usually require a profound knowledge of information.
中文: 摘要安全口令装置之管理与稽核,往往需要具备信息之深层知识方能胜任。 更详细进入...
After expanding members' awareness, solicit their input in planning projects for the remainder of the year.
中文: 在增广社员的认识之后,引导他们为年度剩下的岁月去投入规划计划之列。 更详细进入...
Besides, some basic knowledge in earth science obtained from this meeting will be also useful for the general public and the education society.
中文: 此外,透过此联合会之成果,提供社会大众与教育团体正确之地球科学知识。 更详细进入...
This results in them often becoming immediately tense with each other and, before you know it, everyone is at odds.
中文: 结果他们之间也开始紧张起来,在你意识到之前,就已经人人都剑拔弩张了。 更详细进入...
Because the God who said, Out of darkness light shall shine, is the One who shined in our hearts to illuminate the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
中文: 6因为那说光要从黑暗里照出来的神,已经照在我们心里,为着光照人,使人认识那显在耶稣基督面上之神的荣耀。 更详细进入...
She hasn't an ounce of common sense.
中文: 她一点儿常识也没有. 更详细进入...
Self-organizing maps have been successfully applied to many fields including engineering applications and business applications, such as texture identification, speech recognition, process monitoring and control, document maps, and consumers' data analysi
中文: 自组映射图应用广泛,包括工程方面及商业方面,例如图纹辨识、语音辨识、监督处理及流程控制、文件地图及消费者资料分析等。 更详细进入...
Four in five people, he said, report a mystical experience, the feeling that there is a sentient being or entity standing behind or nearthem.
中文: 他说,五个人中的四个,汇报一个“神秘体验,感觉有一种意识存在或站在后面或靠近”他们的实体。 更详细进入...
In the low band of wavelet transform, energy of ground roll wave is normally greater than the average energy in overall band of seismic reflection event, which is regarded as the discrimination criterion for it.
中文: 在小波分频后的含面波频带内,同一时刻较强面波能量总要比该时刻全排列的平均能量大得多,这是分频识别强面波的判别准则。 更详细进入...
Achieving Consensus of Views and Strengthening Leadership.
中文: 五、统一认识,加强领导。 更详细进入...