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    With the development of economy and the complexity of social relations, great change about statues has taken place between different civil parties, which calls for the law to break the limitations of equality of abstract personalities and give stronger pr

    中文: 摘要随着经济的进步和社会关系的日益复杂化,不同民事主体间的强弱地位产生了明显的差异,呼唤着法律突破抽象人格平等的局限,为弱者提供更有力的保护。 更详细进入...
    Containing angelica essence, it penetrates into the body in order to strengthen it, activating channels, moisturizes intestines and enriching blood, especially loved by the weak and anaemic ladies.

    中文: 当归药料加入汤泉药力由外向内渗透,强身健体,活络筋脉、润肠,补血尤为贫血体弱的妇女衷爱。 更详细进入...
    Strong expression of nanos mRNA was observed in oogonia and stageⅠ、Ⅱ oocytes, but the signal became weaker in later stage oocytes.

    中文: 在卵原细胞和Ⅰ、Ⅱ期卵母细胞中,nanosmRNA的杂交信号十分强烈,而较晚期卵母细胞中信号明显减弱。 更详细进入...
    The virulent C7-0 strain of Pseudomonas mallei was gradually attenuated by repeated irradiation with 0Co-γ ray and/or serial subcultivation in broth at gradient temperature( 8. -℃).

    中文: 将马鼻疽强毒菌C7-0株经0Co-γ射线照射和在温度递增的肉汤中传代培养,使其毒力逐渐减弱。 更详细进入...
    Mr Rochester, staring furiously at him, raised his strong right arm to knock him down.

    中文: 罗切斯特先生愤怒地瞪着他,举起强壮的右臂,要把他打翻在地。 更详细进入...
    And he demanded a response to that performance with a rousing, chest-beating display of his own.

    中文: 这是期待一场振奋人心的比赛,所以他要给全队打一剂强心针。 更详细进入...
    China's efforts to combat trafficking for forced labor remained inadequate.

    中文: 中国在打击以强制劳动为目的的人口贩运活动方面存在不足。 更详细进入...
    [bbe] Let not a man of evil tongue be safe on earth: let destruction overtake the violent man with blow on blow.

    中文: 说恶言的人,在地上必坚立不住。祸患必猎取强暴的人,将他打倒。 更详细进入...
    If present, these signs include pallor, weakness, lightheadedness, yawning, nausea, diaphoresis, hyperentilation, blurred ision, and impaired hearing immediately before the syncopal eent.

    中文: 晕厥发生前,可立即出现面色苍白、虚弱无力、头晕、打哈欠、恶心、出汗、过度通气、视力模糊和听力下降。 更详细进入...
    I mean, I'm trying to protect myself because, really, there's these abrasive beatings to be avoided everywhere you look!

    中文: 我是说,我正试着保护自己,因为,实际上,你看着的每一个地方都要避免被冷冰冰的打击击中。 更详细进入...
    The high quality laser provides higher intensity/surface ratio with less overall laser power and in this way avoids the potential danger of heating up the thin film or the substrate.

    中文: 高品质的激光器可以在较小的总功率提高光强和面积的比率,从而避免使薄膜或基底过热。 更详细进入...
    We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality.

    中文: 我们可以逃避现实,但不能逃避现实带来的结果。 更详细进入...
    [bbe] Where may I go from your spirit? how may I go in flight from you?

    中文: 我往那里去躲避你的灵。我往那里逃躲避你的面。 更详细进入...
    He rejects a timetable for a troop withdrawal because he says that would embolden the enemy and make America appear weak.

    中文: 他拒绝了一个含有撤军时间表的法案因为他说那会加强敌军的军队建设同时显得美国太懦弱。 更详细进入...
    He thought in the condition of the enemy was mightiness and we were infirmness, We must constitute an available policy in order to stay in the international world.

    中文: 他认为在敌强我弱的情况下,要想在国际大家庭中争得一席平等地位,就得制定一种有效的方略。 更详细进入...
    In comparison with climatic mean status, the vertical change of non-adiabatic heating is stronger in the north side of WPSH in June 1998, but weaker in the south side of WPSH.

    中文: 与气候平均状况相比,1998年6月副高北侧的非绝热加热垂直变化较常年偏强,而南侧较常年偏弱。 更详细进入...
    Plasminogen secreted by the eosinophils inhibits the formation of platelet thrombus within the lumen and also dissolves fibrinoid substance, which reinforces fragile endothelilal walls or edematous Interstitlum.

    中文: 胞浆素原亦会溶解纤维组织,这现象更加强内皮细胞壁的脆弱性且使组成间质的水肿更为严重。 更详细进入...
    Fig3. Print tasks on A1 and unfurl it on every junior's desk to avoid being messed with loads of existed A4s.

    中文: 图三:如果给下级下达任务,请将它打印在A1纸上,放在每个人的桌子上,避免和其它A4纸混杂。 更详细进入...
    If present, these signs include pallor, weakness, lightheadedness, yawning, nausea, diaphoresis, hyperventilation, blurred vision, and impaired hearing immediately before the syncopal event.

    中文: 晕厥发生前,可立即出现面色苍白、虚弱无力、头晕、打哈欠、恶心、出汗、过度通气、视力模糊和听力下降。 更详细进入...
    Shiding means the stone looks like an ancient cooking vessel, which is formed by the differential weathering of strong upper and weak lower of adamellite formed 2.4billion years ago.

    中文: 24亿年左右形成的二长花岗岩发生差异性风化后,下部风化剥蚀强烈,上部风化剥蚀较弱,形成石鼎。 更详细进入...

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