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Plasminogen secreted by the eosinophils inhibits the formation of platelet thrombus within the lumen and also dissolves fibrinoid substance, which reinforces fragile endothelilal walls or edematous Interstitlum.

Plasma concentrations of ropivacaine were measured by high performance liquid chromatography. 用髙效液相色谱法测定罗哌卡因的血浆浓度。
Plasma is clear yellow liquid . 血浆是种透明淡黄的液体。
Plasma is clear yellow liquid. 血浆是种透明淡黄的液体。
Plasma renin activity (PRA) is usually normal in patients with primary hypertension but is suppressed in about 25% and elevated in about 15%. 原发性高血压病人的血浆肾素活性(PRA)通常是正常的,但约25%受抑制,约15%可能升高。
Plasma televisions, granite countertops and designer armchairs are no longer [b][i]trappings[/i][/b] of the rich and famous. 电浆电视、大理石台面与设计师品牌的扶手椅已经不是富豪及名流阶级的专属标志。
Plasminogen secreted by the eosinophils inhibits the formation of platelet thrombus within the lumen and also dissolves fibrinoid substance, which reinforces fragile endothelilal walls or edematous Interstitlum. 胞浆素原亦会溶解纤维组织,这现象更加强内皮细胞壁的脆弱性且使组成间质的水肿更为严重。
Plasmonic behavior of metal is a physical concept that describes the collective oscillation of conducting electrons in it. 摘要金属中的表面等离子体共振是描述其导带电子在电磁场作用下集体振荡的一个物理概念。
Plastein reaction offers considerable control potential on nutritional and functional properties of food proteins, which has been of great interest in the food industry. 摘要合成类蛋白反应在控制食物蛋白营养性和功能性方面显示出巨大的潜力,已成为食品工业的研究热点。
Plaster formulations for Metal Casting purposes, also used for thermoformed glass casting. 用于金属铸造,玻璃(琉璃)铸造的石膏。
Plaster one's hair with pomade. 用发油将头发抹平
Plastic bags are usefufl for holding many kinds of food, by virtue of their clearness, toughness and low cost. 塑料袋可以装各种食品,它最大的优点是:干净,结实,便宜。

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