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    When my boy friend broke up with me, I dated his best friend to get back at him.

    中文: 当我的男朋友跟我分手后,我开始跟他最要好的朋友约会以作报复。 更详细进入...
    An Iraqi insurgent leader has claimed that his group has begun to manufacture its own rockets.

    中文: 一名伊拉克反叛领导人宣称,他的组织已经开始自行制造火箭弹。 更详细进入...
    The Senate begins debate today in a resolution opposing the troop buildup in Iraq.

    中文: 今天,参议院开始就反对在伊拉克组建军队的决议展开一场辩论。 更详细进入...
    A separate report released from the Institute for Public Policy Research supported the notion that pushing children too hard at a young age can backfire.

    中文: 一份公共政策研究学院发布的独立报告支持当孩子还小时过分强迫他们反而会适得其反的想法。 更详细进入...
    I'm sure it's because the motoring organizations have been opposing SUV taxes very loudly and some of the newspapers are also very anti.

    中文: 我敢肯定一定是因为那些汽车组织一直非常大声疾呼反对运动型车辆税,有些报纸也非常反对。 更详细进入...
    It is important to start off by brainstorming what you have been asked to do.

    中文: 开始之前最好是用头脑风暴的方式去问问你自己这份报告的要求。 更详细进入...
    However, the net-of-expense, buy-and-hold returns for the copycat funds was significantly higher than the primitive funds over a six-month period.

    中文: 但如果扣除开支,模仿基金六个月期的持股回报明显高于原始基金。 更详细进入...
    In September of 1999, NACTS replaced the Red Flag Measurement and Debriefing System (RFMDS) which had been in use since 1984.

    中文: 1999年九月,NACTS取代了自1984年开始使用的红旗检测与任务报告系统(RFMDS)。 更详细进入...
    Special safety concepts signalise a beginning failure of the leakproof operation.

    中文: 当无泄露操作开始出现故障时,特殊的安全装置会有报警信号发出。 更详细进入...
    Starting from Monday.Bring your resume,driver's license and ID card with you when you come,and report to the personnel manager.

    中文: 星期一开始。顺便把简历表、驾驶执照及身份证带来,向人事经理报到。 更详细进入...
    With many cases, this paper deeply discusses the application and function of Negation and Affirmation in English translation.

    中文: 本文用实例说明了正确应用英语“正反译”和“反正译”的技巧及其实际意义。 更详细进入...
    A gorgeously animated feature set in nineteenth-century Japan where a small boy loses his mother, father, teacher, and his eyesight in rapid succession.

    中文: 本片是以日本十九世纪津轻三味线始祖仁太坊真实故事绘制的动画。 更详细进入...
    Article 15 In the case of a taxpayer who has calculated and filed his or her basic income in accordance with the provisions of this Act, any omission or evasion of the basic tax due to the omission or under-reporting shall be subject to a fine of no more

    中文: 第十五条(逃漏税之罚锾)营利事业或个人已依本条例规定计算及申报基本所得额,有漏报或短报致短漏税额之情事者,处以所漏税额二倍以下之罚锾。 更详细进入...
    We must wait until they have cleared a path to Reflex point before the invasion can truly begin.

    中文: 我们在入侵能真正开始前必须等到他们清除通往反应点的道路。 更详细进入...
    News from Beijing on July 24th, reported by Liao Wen-Gen:the meeting of medicare experimental unit of the country urban settelment was held in Beijing on July 23th and 24th.

    中文: 本报北京7月24日讯记者廖文根报道:全国城镇居民基本医疗保险试点工作会议7月23日至24日在北京召开。 更详细进入...
    Given the version-dependent identifier, today's paper, the person buys today's paper dated July 20, 2004.

    中文: 假如是版本依赖的标识符,今天的报纸,这个人买今天的报纸,2004年7月20日的。 更详细进入...
    And also I think you should cross check the corrected tech packs before giving any price to us.

    中文: 我也认为你应该在给我们报价前反复核对校对过的技术包裹。 更详细进入...
    He was also directly linked with the Iran-Contra affair according to government records and Herrmann's own testimony.

    中文: 根据政府报告和他自己的证词,他和反伊朗事件有着直接联系。 更详细进入...
    Begins localization of environment changes in a batch file.

    中文: 在批处理文件中开始对本地环境特征进行修改。 更详细进入...
    I'll discuss what you're getting into and how the packer is structured in general.

    中文: 我会讨论关于如何开始以及一个壳的基本结构。 更详细进入...

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