However, the most telling scene in OP occurs when Harry is not present, but is recounted by Ron.
不过,OP中最说明问题的场景中哈利却不在场,是罗恩叙述的。 |
However, the mucous membrane may not fully recover from a viral infection or head cold for several weeks after initial symptoms begin - this is why DAN advises divers not to dive with any symptoms of a cold.
然而粘膜在病毒感染或者几个星期的头伤风后可能没有完全恢复―――这就是为什么DAN建议潜水者在有任何感冒症状的时候都不要潜水的原因。 |
However, the multilateral diplomacy that this forum offered never worked.
然而,该会谈的多国外交政策从未奏效。 |
However, the nature of all things, including the human being, is such that there is a natural tendency to return to a dynamic state of relative balance.
自然界中的所有事物,包括人类,都具有恢复到动态相对平衡的趋势。 |
However, the near doubling of its trade surplus in the first four months of the year was probably a one-off, because firms brought forward their shipments so as to avoid an expected reduction in export-tax rebates.
然而,前四个月近乎翻倍的贸易顺差大概是个例外,因为公司为了避免预期的出口退税的减少而提前发货。 |
However, the net-of-expense, buy-and-hold returns for the copycat funds was significantly higher than the primitive funds over a six-month period.
但如果扣除开支,模仿基金六个月期的持股回报明显高于原始基金。 |
However, the new Act does not address the concerns from the ethnic minority-language barrier, which prevents them from understanding the contract - the legal binding document.
可是,新法并未涉及困扰少数族裔的语言问题—英语成为妨碍他们读懂具有法律效应的合同的障碍。 |
However, the new controller would gain control of any creatures that are summoned while the summoner is under his or her control.
但是,新的控制者可在控制召唤者后取得新召唤生物的控制权。 |
However, the next generation of peer-to-peer systems eliminates the central database by having each user maintain his own database locally, as well as providing a list of other nearby people who are members of the system.
然而,对等交流的下一代删去了中心数据库,让每个用户在本地维护自己的数据库,并提供包含附近系统成员的列表。 |
However, the number of mixed couples getting divorced in 2006 also increased to 355.
然而,2006年的涉外婚姻离婚数也增加到了355例。 |
However, the official didn't say how many additional clinics will be built, or which communities were uppermost on the government agenda.
然而这个官员没有说将增加多少社区诊所,也没有哪个社区是政府议程上的最先开始的。 |