Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away.
中文: 悄悄的我走了,正如我悄悄的来;我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩。 更详细进入...
Oh, How much I miss you! If the passionate refreshing breeze knows my heart, it can tell you that I miss you and care you for my life\'s time. If graceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tell you that I love you and would be together with you forever.
中文: 如果白云有意,请带去我对你的爱恋,生生世世都愿和你共缠绵. 更详细进入...
No-pump water curtain paint for mist filtering device that can reduce more than 98% of the fog without the trouble of replacing drying-method filter by fully mixing fog, water and air, and ensures a qualified exhaust according to the relevant state standa
中文: 设有无泵水帘漆雾过滤装置,使漆雾、水空气充分混合,有效除去漆雾到98%以上,减少了干式过滤器的更换带来的不便,排出的废气符合国家标准。 更详细进入...
The Negative Ion Atomizing Decor Lamp consists of ultrasound mist maker and underwater lamp. Lighting, Water, Mist and decorative parts are assembled into a new multifunctional decor lamp.
中文: 雾泉装饰灯是将超声波雾化器与灯饰的照明功能进行有机结合,使灯光、水雾与精致的装饰件组合成一种更具功能性的新一代装饰灯。 更详细进入...
Small cloud asked: If you want to rewrite an incident in your history, what's the incident?
中文: 小云的问题:如果要改写一件与自己有关的历史事件,会是甚麽? 更详细进入...
Everybody proclaims Sloan will be Coach of the Year and how strong the Jazz are in the first half of the year, then everybody forgets about them by April.
中文: 赛季前半段,人人都在说斯隆会当选本赛季最佳教练,爵士如何强大云云,可到四月份的时候就没人理会他们了。 更详细进入...
How do you go home, by plane or by train?
中文: 你回家是坐飞机还是坐火车? 更详细进入...
Caption:: The sky seen in the lower hemisphere has distinctive cosmic features, such as the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud and the Keyhole Eta Carina Nebula, which are not found in the sky of the upper hemisphere.
中文: 南半球的星空与我们的不大一样,南半球星空蕴藏很多独有的宝藏,如大小麦哲伦云和图中的船底座匙孔星云。 更详细进入...
Agrael`s quest is nearing its end, all that remains is to find Tieru somewhere in the magical fog of the Dragonmist Islands.
中文: 阿格雷尔的探索任务即将结束,现在剩下的就是到龙雾岛的魔雾中寻找蒂耶鲁了。 更详细进入...
Neither follow thoughts nor invite them; be like the ocean looking at its own waves,or the sky gazing down on the clouds that pass across it.
中文: 不要追随念头,也不要迎接它;就如海洋看着自己的波浪,或如天空向下凝视着飘过的云。 更详细进入...
The 27-foot-long silver trailer does not come with any seats, but has counters equipped with ashtrays and room enough for around 20 smokers to puff away to their heart's content.
中文: 这辆银色的拖车长27英尺,里面不设座位,取而代之的是安装了烟灰缸的柜台,可以容纳20个人左右。他们可以在这里尽情地吞云吐雾。 更详细进入...
Boundless and limitless is the cloud in the sky beyond the window, the same with our dream world.
中文: 窗外天空的云彩,无边无际,无所局限,我们的梦想世界也是如此。 更详细进入...
I leave softly, gently, Exactly as I came. I wave to the western sky, Telling it goodbye softly, gently.
中文: 轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来,我轻轻的招手,作别西天的云彩。 更详细进入...
A mist of prejudice spoiled his judgement.
中文: 偏见的迷雾损害了他的判断力。 更详细进入...
I can't see anything in this dense mist.
中文: 这样的浓雾里,我什么也看不见。 更详细进入...
I hoped my death would be quick.
中文: 屋内充满烟雾,我们俩感到窒息。 更详细进入...
I was all at sea when I began to work.
中文: 我刚开始工作时,简直一头雾水! 更详细进入...
The houses appeared as a blur in the mist.
中文: 那些房子在雾中显得一片模糊。 更详细进入...
The whole city is in a mantle of dense mist.
中文: 整个城市笼罩在一层迷雾之中。 更详细进入...
Yes, she belonged to the twilight and mist.
中文: 是的,她属于朦胧的暮色与迷雾。” 更详细进入...