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    The series granular starches soluble in cold water with different solubility were prepared by alcoholysis under normal pressure and the paste properties of maize starch, tapioca starch, potato starch and their granular starches soluble in cold water were

    中文: 摘要在常压下,用醇解法制备了不同溶解度的颗粒状冷水可溶淀粉系列,并对玉米、木薯和马铃薯原淀粉及其不同溶解度的颗粒状冷水可溶淀粉糊的性质进行了研究。 更详细进入...
    Atrophic corneal ulcer occurred in his right eye, and a partial lateral tarsorrhaphy was done in that eye before referral to out clinic.

    中文: 一名45岁男性病人因长期甲状腺亢进造成突眼及眼睑收缩。 更详细进入...
    The quality or condition of being impenetrable.

    中文: 不能贯穿不能通过的状态或性质 更详细进入...
    The state or quality of being incredulous; disbelief.

    中文: 不轻信怀疑的状态或性质;不信任 更详细进入...
    Avandia is known generically as rosiglitazone, while Actos is known as pioglitazone.

    中文: 文迪雅的通用名为罗格列酮,艾可拓通用名为吡格列酮。 更详细进入...
    That could simply involve transferring an ill or injured client to a hospital by ambulance, or it could be far more complex in nature.

    中文: 那可能只是将一名身体不适或受伤的客户由救护车送往医院,也可能是更复杂的作业。 更详细进入...
    Regardless of the type, processing begins by extracting, fermenting, drying, and roasting the cacao seeds (also called beans), removing the shell and skin, and leaving the tasty nibs.

    中文: 我们先不提它们的形状,其加工过程始于提炼、接着发酵、干燥,然后烘烤可可种子(也称为可可豆),去壳去皮,最后留下美味的核。 更详细进入...
    You can modify the text box with a name more to your liking.

    中文: 你可以你可以将它修改为任何你喜欢的名字。 更详细进入...
    Small or irregularly shaped spaces which do not add effectively to the space available for free movement and cannot be used for installing furniture should be excluded.

    中文: 不应包括那些不能有效地增加供自由移动的可用空间和不能用来放置家具的小的和形状不规则的空间。 更详细进入...
    As one moves through the layers, one may find that one is in a sullen or depressed state for months and months.

    中文: 当在业力层跋涉时,你可能发现自己在闷闷不乐或沮丧状态中呆上数月。 更详细进入...
    Check that the floors of vehicles are free from oil, grease and loose objects and report to your supervisor any which are in an unacceptable condition.

    中文: 检查运输车板无油脂,和松动的对象,将任何不可接收的状况报报告主管。 更详细进入...
    In general, configurations of spatial units fall into two types, regular-lattice and irregular area.

    中文: 面状资料之基本空间单元型态可分为规则格子型与不规则区域型两类。 更详细进入...
    And the nodes could be placed anywhere within the shapes ?

    中文: 而节点可以放到形状内的任何位置。 更详细进入...
    That is an easy concept to fix.

    中文: 要改变这个现状并不难。 更详细进入...
    From the aircraft we could see a patchwork of field of different shapes and colors.

    中文: 从飞机上我门可以看到有各种不同形状和颜色田野所组成的杂凑拼盘。 更详细进入...
    These bitmaps can be of any size, but all are treated as if they were the same size as the bitmap for the up state.

    中文: 这些位图的尺寸可以不同,但都当成和正常状态下位图一样的大小处理。 更详细进入...
    Only severity before operation correlated with prognosis, but good recovery can be achieved in severe cases.

    中文: 其中以症状的严重竞和预后较有关联,但是仍未达到有意义的统计值,且症状严重者并不能排除完全康复的可能。 更详细进入...
    Her legendary name is well earned.

    中文: 拥有传奇般名字的她,并不是浪得虚名的。 更详细进入...
    A state or condition in which the absence of immunological interference permits the grafting of tissue or the transfusion of blood without rejection.

    中文: 组织相容性不同组织之间相互耐受的状,这种状使一种组织可以成功移植于另一种组织,或使输血列排斥反应 更详细进入...
    I could see the shape of her back more clearly.

    中文: 我可以更清楚地看到她后背的形状。 更详细进入...

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