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In general, configurations of spatial units fall into two types, regular-lattice and irregular area.

In general, biological balance is the balance of the supplement and exchange of energy information of the human body. 总之,生理平衡就是人体能量信息的补充、交换平衡。
In general, both books succeed in being as engaging to the layman as to the practising or studying doctor. 总体来说,两本书不论对于门外汉,还是实习或是学习中的医生,都很有吸引力。
In general, bowel is hard to infarct from atherosclerotic vascular narrowing or thromboembolization because of the widely anastomosing blood supply. 通常,肠很难由于动脉粥样硬化血管狭窄或血栓栓塞而发生梗死,因为有广泛吻合支存在。
In general, bu is used to negate non-verbs, zero-valent verbs and monovalent verbs, while though fu is often used to negate bivalent verbs and trivalent verbs, bu can also be used to negate these two verb types. 一般说来,非动词、零价动词、一价动词要用「不」来否定,而二价动词、三价动词常用「弗」来否定,但也可以用「不」来否定。
In general, children require at least nine hours of uninterrupted sleep to be ready for learning. 一般说来,孩子至少需要连续睡上9个小时才能为学习做好准备。
In general, configurations of spatial units fall into two types, regular-lattice and irregular area. 面状资料之基本空间单元型态可分为规则格子型与不规则区域型两类。
In general, cost information is needed for three different purpos-es: for a financial purpose accounting, for a cost accounting purpose, for a management purpose. 一般说来,人们出于三个原因需要掌握成本资料:财务会计的需要、成本会计的需要、管理的需要。
In general, crop yields in Latin American countries are low but scientific research has demonstrated that high sustainable yields are possible in tropical and subtropical areas. 拉美国家产量通常很低,但科学研究已证明高产稳产在热带和亚热带地区已有可能。
In general, each particular name is valid only within some possibly discontiguous portion of program text called its scope. 通常情况下,每个特定的名字仅在程序中某些被称为该名字的作用域的不连续区域中有效。
In general, farmers cultivate these sloping lands without any soil conservation practices. 一般来说,农民耕种这些坡地时没有采取任何保护措施。
In general, functional proteins with an added stabilizing agent, such as bovine serum albumin or casein, can be protected from various damaging factors (e.g., free radicals, proteolytic activity, heavy metals) remaining in the environment. 一般来说,加入稳定剂如牛血清蛋白或酪蛋白,能使功能蛋白避免受到环境中的各种破坏性因子(如自由基,蛋白水解活性,重金属)的损害。

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