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Regardless of the type, processing begins by extracting, fermenting, drying, and roasting the cacao seeds (also called beans), removing the shell and skin, and leaving the tasty nibs.

Regardless of the sales pitches, remember that the lowest common denominator in Internet security is people not technology. 别管兜揽生意的话,记住英特网安全中的最小公分母是人而不是技术。
Regardless of the size of the middle-class, or even their wallets, discretionary spending will remain a fraction of markets like the US. 不管亚洲中产阶级的规模有多大,或钱包有多鼓,其自由支配花费仍将只是美国等市场的一小部分。
Regardless of the true total, August has been deadly. 不管实际情形到底如何,八月份的确是伤亡不断。
Regardless of the type of breast augmentation procedure chosen, it is likely that women with implants will need to have one or more additional surgeries (reoperations) over the course of their lives. 不论何种程序选择隆乳,很可能将需要植入妇女有一个或更多的额外手术过程(手术)生活.
Regardless of the type of text involved, all legal translators must deal with the problem of terminological in congruency under conflicting legal systems. 因此,法律翻译所要求的标准是「双重功能对等」,包括语言传达功能之对等以及法律效果之对等。
Regardless of the type, processing begins by extracting, fermenting, drying, and roasting the cacao seeds (also called beans), removing the shell and skin, and leaving the tasty nibs. 我们先不提它们的形状,其加工过程始于提炼、接着发酵、干燥,然后烘烤可可种子(也称为可可豆),去壳去皮,最后留下美味的核。
Regardless of the update method, though, a comprehensive, responsive global file signature repository is a step in the right direction. 但不管是哪一种更新方法,综合性的、响应迅即的全球文件签名库都是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。
Regardless of these personal risks, a professional system builder must strive to be a system visionary. 不管这些个人的冒险,一个专业的系统建造者必须为成为一个系统设计者而奋斗。
Regardless of weaves from the specialized design and the manufacture ma, weaves the belt, adhesive tape India ma, the color printing license, does not do the rubber to paste, the clothing sack, the note reverted sign and so on a series of clothing supplem 无论从专业设计及制作生产织唛、织带、印唛、彩印挂牌、不干胶贴、服饰包装袋、注塑吊粒等一系列的服饰辅料,还是各项工艺技术、原材料精选采购,都融入我们对品质的理解。
Regardless of what it's called, all of the new tech-based art has much in common, differing significantly from traditional and “old” New Art. 忽略其具体名称,所有新的科技艺术有许多共同之处,只是在传统和“旧”的新艺术之间存在显著差别。
Regardless of what price benefits discount policies are, VIP card holders must present one's VIP card when Shopping Plaza receipt(s) are issued by sales clerk in order for shopping credits accumulation calculation. 会员在消费时,无论有无折扣优惠,请在营业员开据销售单时及时出示VIP卡,以便计算累计消费积分。

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