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    Excuse me .Did I chat with you the other day?I am Jiu Hua.

    中文: 对不起你是上次和我聊天的那位朋友吗?我是九华. 更详细进入...
    By my calculation, 5% of the students will fail in the exam.

    中文: 据我估计,百分之五的学生不能通过这次考试。 更详细进入...
    We track all referrals and rank them accordingly.

    中文: 我们将根据您推荐朋友的次数排列位次。 更详细进入...
    Were it not for his unceasing vigil over Humanity, the ruinous powers of the Warp would flood the mortal realm with madness and horror.

    中文: 若不是他对人类不息的守护,异次元的毁灭之力将使人间变为疯狂与恐惧之地。 更详细进入...
    Over a third of the world population was estimated to have no access to the health servicesaid one UN official solemnly at a conference.

    中文: 联合国的一位官员神情严肃地在一次会议上说:世界上大约有三分之一以上的人口不能接受医疗服务. 更详细进入...
    As he is not very nice, you can hardly ask him to lift a finger.

    中文: 他不是一位好人,你很难请他帮举手之劳。 更详细进入...
    Second, the Chinese have a high savings rate because the old social safety net has disintegrated.

    中文: 其次,中国储蓄率之所以处于高位,是因为原来的社会保障体系已经瓦解。 更详细进入...
    The strong personal antipathy between the two scholars is very obvious.

    中文: 那两位学者之间的格格不入是很明显的。 更详细进入...
    The new increase in electricity is the writing on the wall for many smell businesses.

    中文: 电价的再次上涨对诸多小企业来说是不祥之兆。 更详细进入...
    The Order of self-explanatory characters in the six categories of Chinese characters is listed the first by Xu Shen, the second by Ban Gu, and the fourth by Zheng Sinong.

    中文: 摘要“指事字”于“六书”中之次第,许慎列爲“六书”第一,班固次于第二,郑司农位置于第四,后世学者皆依班固。 更详细进入...
    A U.S. official, who would not agree to be identified, said the event was the first successful test of the missile after three failures.

    中文: 一位不愿透露身份的美国官员说,该实验是在三次实验失败后取得的首次成功。 更详细进入...
    Medical relief should be a secondary thing.

    中文: 医疗救助应居次要地位。 更详细进入...
    The research partly resulted from an anecdote from a UK man taking part in a stress work.He described a trip to the US with his team.

    中文: 这项研究部分来源于一位参加一次紧张工作的英国人的逸事。他讲述了一次他和他的队友的美国之行。 更详细进入...
    The right-hander has also induced at least one double play in each of his starts this season, mostly by using his sinkerball.

    中文: 这位台湾之光的右投手本季每次先发都让对手击出至少一次的双杀打,大多是以他著名的下沈球发威。 更详细进入...
    The Stargate can only be open for 38 minutes at a time, at which point the Wraith would have to redial.

    中文: 星门一次只能被开启38分钟,之后幽灵族就不得不重新拨号。 更详细进入...
    This week isnt so busy, but the days surrounding my debut will be very hectic.

    中文: 这周不是非常忙,不过随着首次出演的临近会变得无比之忙。 更详细进入...
    Again, such timidity is misplaced.

    中文: 这种胆怯又一次错位了。 更详细进入...
    The sinusoidal voltage and current distribution on the line of each frequency component is obtained by the phasor equation for the transmission line and the source and load impedances.

    中文: 将传输线上不同位置电压及电流之频谱以快速富氏反转换即得传输线上不同位置之近似电压及电流脉波。 更详细进入...
    His social position allows him of no unseemly behaviour in public.

    中文: 他的社会地位不容许他在公共场合有行为不妥之处。 更详细进入...
    Torre said Wang is slated for 90-95 pitches after being on an 80-pitch count in his last start, and the manager believes the 27-year-old righty could pitch again Friday if all goes well.

    中文: 托瑞爷爷说小王在上次球赛中,80球之后的球数还维持著90-95哩的速度,这位总教头相信他的这位27岁的右投手,星期五能够再次出赛。 更详细进入...

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