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Medical relief should be a secondary thing.

Medical institutions termed in the present Procedures refer to hospitals, sanatorium, women and children care center (station), disease prevention and cure center (station), out-patient department, clinic, nursing center (station), health center (station, 本办法所称的医疗机构,是指从事医疗执业活动的医院、疗养院、妇幼保健院(所)、疾病防治院(所)、门诊部、诊所、护理院(站)、卫生所(站、室)、医务室、保健所、医疗急救中心(站)、临床检验中心等。
Medical massage has very practical effect in so many insomnia treatments. 医疗按摩在诸多治疗失眠的方法中最具实效性。
Medical massage is a magnificent flower in the Chinese traditional medicine science. It can not only cure the disease, but also postpone caducity and strengthen the body. 医疗按摩是传统医学中一朵奇葩,它不仅能够治疗疾病,而且能延缓衰老强身健体。
Medical opinion differs about /on how to treat the disease. 关于如何治疗这种疾病医学上有不同的看法。
Medical practice is just one example. 医学实践就是一个例子。
Medical relief should be a secondary thing. 医疗救助应居次要地位。
Medical researchers from Cardiff University have found that a cold nose may be one of the major factors that causes common colds to be seasonal. 英国加的夫大学的医学研究人员发现受冻的鼻子可能是导致普通感冒成为季节性疾病的一个主要原因.
Medical school spokeswoman Anna Farneski said in a statement that the investigation is ongoing. 医学院发言人安娜·法尼斯金在一份声明中表示,本案的调查还在继续。
Medical science has now proved that smoking cancause lung cancer and other diseases such as emphysema. 医学已经证明吸烟能引起肺癌和其它疾病,如肺气肿。
Medical scientists have expressed their concern about the effect of smoking on the health not only of those who are smoking but also of those who live in the air polluted by tobacco smoke. 医药科学家们表达了他们对烟民们和生活在被烟草污染的空气中的人们的健康受吸烟影响的担忧。
Medical supplies are being dropped to the stricken area. 目前正将医药用品空投到灾区.

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