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    Orcas are found in all the world's oceans, from the frigid Arctic and Antarctic to warm topical seas.

    中文: 从冰冻的北极海和南极海到温暖的热带海洋,世界各大洋中均有虎鲸。 更详细进入...
    UNITED STATES aircraft tonight attacked Kabul and other Afghan cities, dropping at least four bombs.

    中文: 美国战斗机今晚攻击了喀布尔和其他阿富汗城市,投掷了至少4枚炸弹。 更详细进入...
    With clever combinations, a racing car can move up to six squares in one round.

    中文: 拥有判断力及决策力的选手们,你可选择继续或停止掷骰子来影响赛果。 更详细进入...
    Both sides are feverishly trying to recruit new members to bolster their cause at the IWC.

    中文: 两派都在积极地招收新成员来巩固自己在国际捕鲸委员会中的利益。 更详细进入...
    In the 1960s, some Russian sailors reported watching a fight between a whale and a giant squid.

    中文: 20世纪60年代,有些俄罗斯海员说,他们目睹了一场鲸鱼和大乌贼之战。 更详细进入...
    The super crocwas as long as a school bus, weighed as much as a small 1)whale, and had 2)jaws about five feet long!

    中文: 这只「超级巨鳄」有校车那麽长,跟小鲸一样重,而且牠的颚大约有五呎长! 更详细进入...
    The distribution characteristics and pollution assessment of DDTs residues in tissues of ginkgo-toothed beaked whale (Mesoplodon ginkgodens) collected from Honghai Bay,Guangdong Province,China

    中文: 广东红海湾海域银杏齿喙鲸体组织中DDT含量的分布特征与污染评价 更详细进入...
    The following talents have been removed: Improved Deadly Poison, Improved Distract, Throwing Weapon Specialization, Improved Vanish, and Rapid Concealment.

    中文: 以下天赋被移除:强化致命毒药,强化扰乱,投掷武器专精,强化消失,快速隐藏。 更详细进入...
    Methods Researches on the microscopical identification, microscopical identification and ultraviolet spectroscopy identification of Carapax Trionycis from different regions were carried out.

    中文: 方法依据形态学特征对不同产地鳖甲药材进行性状鉴别、显微鉴别,运用紫外光谱法对不同产地鳌甲药材进行光谱鉴别。 更详细进入...
    An international non-governmental environmentalist organization that campaigns to prevent the killing of whales, to halt the polluting of the seas, and to oppose the nuclear power industry.

    中文: 国际非政府组织,该组织千方百计阻止捕鲸和海洋污染,并反对核电工业。 更详细进入...
    Maddened with pain and fear, the whale used to struggle, sometimes pulling the boat along for miles, sometimes diving down far under water.

    中文: 鲸鱼因痛苦与恐惧而疯狂挣扎,有时把船拖上好几哩远,有时潜入深海中。 更详细进入...
    On the other hand, even in the pro-whaling countries, whaling is an insignificant and dying industry.

    中文: 另一方面,甚至在“倾捕”的国家里,捕鲸也只是个无足轻重、日薄西山的行业。 更详细进入...
    By the time the boat crew has towed the carcass to the edge of the ice, villagers are streaming toward it.

    中文: 当船员们把鲸鱼的尸体拖到冰沿上时,村民们便象潮水样向它峰拥而来。 更详细进入...
    Therefore, the quilt grey whale Temple of God( protection zone)of here the Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of the United Nations announces is human natural wealth.

    中文: 因此,这里的“灰鲸圣殿(保护区)”被联合国教科文组织公布为“人类自然财富。” 更详细进入...
    A metal or metal-tipped spear, about 2.5 meters in length, used in contests of distance throwing.

    中文: 标枪一种用于投掷距离的比赛的金属的或带金属尖端的长矛,长约2。5米 更详细进入...
    According to ancient records, in this game a ball was thrown into the air between two teams of players.

    中文: 根据古老的纪录,在这场游戏中一只球被投掷向两个队的球员之间的上空。 更详细进入...
    An object likened to a slender, pointed missile either in shape, use, or effect.

    中文: 外形似镖的事物物体在形状、使用或效果上像一细长带尖的投掷物的物体 更详细进入...
    Samp win a throw-in on the right wing. The ball is played into the Nerazzurri box and Javier Zanetti blasts clear.

    中文: 桑普在右翼赢得一个边线球,球掷到了国际米兰的禁区内,但被萨内蒂破坏。 更详细进入...
    Lucky Pierrot, which operates fast-food restaurants mainly on the northernmost island of Hokkaido, said whale meat had emerged as one of the two most popular fillings in a customer survey, according to the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper.

    中文: 据英国《卫报》6月23日报道,在日本北海道附近经营着数家快餐连锁店的鲸肉夹饼店老板卢茨基?皮埃罗说,通过对顾客的问卷调查得知,鲸鱼肉是最受欢迎的肉夹饼馅之一。 更详细进入...
    Allows Lieutenants and Captains to call in off-map artillery barrages, and the Command Tank can drop smoke to create cover.

    中文: 允许中尉和上尉呼叫远程弹幕炮击,并且允许指挥坦克投掷烟幕来作掩护。 更详细进入...

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