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UNITED STATES aircraft tonight attacked Kabul and other Afghan cities, dropping at least four bombs.

UNIONTOWN, Ohio — About 1,800 volunteers searched neighborhoods, farm fields and woods Thursday for a woman, nine months pregnant, who disappeared from her rural home last week. 在俄亥俄州--星期四1800多名志愿者在附近农场寻找一名上周失踪并怀孕9个月的女子.
UNIQUE AND BEAUTIFUL?OUR PRINTED STRETCH VELVET CHEMISE With divine antique gold braid outlining the cups and down the ribbon lace up front, and crinkle Charmeuse graces the flirty hemline. 性感睡衣2件一套:特别的弹性天鹅绒裙上印有雅致图样,古典的金线适宜的点缀在胸部,前方,更显幽雅!
UNIT 5 What Is Tort Law? 何谓侵权行为法?
UNITED NATIONS (CNN) -- An Arab League delegation is at the United Nations on Tuesday afternoon highlighting concerns about a draft resolution aimed at ending the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon. 美国CNN报道--周二下午,一名在美国的阿拉伯代表对意在解决以色列和尼巴嫩真主党之间的冲突的草案投以极大的关注。
UNITED NATIONS - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez took his verbal battle with the United States to the floor of the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday, calling President Bush the devil. 联合国--委内瑞拉总统查维斯在周三将他和美国的口水战打到了联合国讲台,称布什为“魔鬼”。
UNITED STATES aircraft tonight attacked Kabul and other Afghan cities, dropping at least four bombs. 美国战斗机今晚攻击了喀布尔和其他阿富汗城市,投掷了至少4枚炸弹。
UNIX is a registered trademark of the Open Group. UNIX是开放集团的注册商标。
UNLESS YOU KNOW THAT CONSCIOUSNESS, ENERGY AND INTENT CREATE THE NATURE OF REALITY, welcome to a long stay in this area within the Third Band. 欢迎来第三个环带的这个区域作长期停留,除非你了解,意识、能量和意图创造现实的本质。
UNLESS he is hit by the proverbial bus, 2007 will be the year of Gordon Brown. 除非戈登?布朗提前退休,否则2007年他肯定将主政英国。
UNLIKE many recent political documentaries, “An Inconvenient Truth” does not aim its fiercest fire at George Bush. 《难以忽视的真相》并不像许多政治题材的纪录片那样,将最猛烈的炮火对准乔治?布什。
UP TO 65,000 people in Scotland are thought to have dementia. 在苏格兰,有多达65000的人被认为患有痴呆症。

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