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Maddened with pain and fear, the whale used to struggle, sometimes pulling the boat along for miles, sometimes diving down far under water.

Madame Tussaud's is a famous waxworks in London. 图索夫人蜡像馆是伦敦一家著名的蜡像馆。
Madame Tussauds dresses its wax celebrity figures for the holidays. President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair are made up as the cow from Jack and the Beanstalk. 为庆祝圣诞节图索夫人圣诞节将她的名人蜡像打扮一新.布什总统和托尼布莱尔首相被化装成杰克与魔豆中的奶牛.
Madara was the principal sacred place of the First Bulgarian Empire before Bulgaria's conversion to Christianity in the 9th century. 在公元9世纪前,保加利亚人并不信仰基督教,那时候马达腊是保加利亚第一帝国举行宗教仪式的地点。
Madav Kumar Nepal , general secretary of the Central Committee of the Nepal Communist Party (United Marxist-Leninist), noted that the DPRK which has a proud tradition in which it heroically beat back the armed invasion by the formidable imperialist allied 尼泊尔共产党(联合马列)总书记马德夫·库马尔·尼帕尔说,朝鲜人民具有光荣的传统,他们曾在金日成主席的英明领导下,打败过强大的帝国主义联合力量的武装侵略,那么在金正日总书记先军领导下将来一定也会取得胜利。
Madden, Sanarate, Guatemala, 1976, On a rescue mission after an earthquake, a plane caught by a crosswind crashes. 危地马拉,桑那拉提,1976年,罗伯特·麦登,地震过后,参与救援行动的飞机突遇强风而降落。
Maddened with pain and fear, the whale used to struggle, sometimes pulling the boat along for miles, sometimes diving down far under water. 鲸鱼因痛苦与恐惧而疯狂挣扎,有时把船拖上好几哩远,有时潜入深海中。
Maddening bureaucratic mix-ups. 使人发狂的官僚主义的混乱状况
Maddy: we say Zimbabwe now, don't we? 我们叫那儿津巴布韦了不是?
Made a heart with red paper, and write some proverbs on it. 用红纸制作的一颗心,用色纸制作成的一些“心”形卡片,上面写有“友爱”方面的名言。
Made a killing on the stock market. 在股票市场中获取暴利
Made a wry face. 摆出不悦的面孔

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