The Daily Echo has a readership of over ten million.
中文: 《每日回声报》拥有读者逾一千万人。 更详细进入...
The circumference of the earth is almost 25,000 miles.
中文: 地球的圆周长约为两万五千英里。 更详细进入...
We should never laugh at the disabled.
中文: 我们千万不要取笑身心障碍人士。 更详细进入...
You should never go back on your promise to a child.
中文: 你给孩子许了愿就千万不要食言。 更详细进入...
Globular cluster is a group of tens of thousands to millions of stars bounded under gravity.
中文: 球状星团由上万至百万的恒星组成,在一个细小範围内由万有引力维系的集团。 更详细进入...
And at that time forty-two thousand of Ephraim fell.
中文: 那时以法莲人被杀的有四万二千。 更详细进入...
Building costs ran up to as much as NT$ 20 million.
中文: 建筑费用涨到高达新台币两千万。 更详细进入...
It is made up of over 17,000 islands.
中文: 它由超过一万七千个岛屿所组成。 更详细进入...
Never ask a barber if you need a haircut.
中文: 千万不要问理发师是否需要理发。 更详细进入...
Never ever offer awful Arthur alfalfa.
中文: 千万不要给可怕的阿瑟紫花苜蓿。 更详细进入...
The daily echo have a readership of over ten millions.
中文: 《每日回声报》拥有读者逾一千万人。 更详细进入...
The velocity of light is about 186,000 miles per second.
中文: 光速大约是每秒十八万六千英里。 更详细进入...
There are an estimated 350 million backyard chickens in Indonesia.
中文: 印尼大约有3亿五千万后院鸡群。 更详细进入...
From multimillion-dollar mansions to cookie-cutter complexes, the rush is on to own a piece of paradise -- either for pleasure, investment, or hopefully think many owners, a bit of both.
中文: 从价值数百万元的豪宅到千篇一律的小公寓,大家都热衷于拥有一小块天堂,不论是为了休閒、投资、或者如很多屋主所希望的,两者兼具。 更详细进入...
If put up for sale, it could fetch tens of billions of dollars for government coffers and the developers would most likely build luxury flats.
中文: 如果把那块土地拍卖,可能会为库房带来数百亿元收入。买入土地的发展商很可能会兴建豪宅。 更详细进入...
But what has the space race done to relieve the suffering of the earth's starving millions?
中文: 但是太空竞争又做了些什么来救济地球上千百万在饥饿中挣扎的人们呢? 更详细进入...
Twenty-nine million children, most from low-incoming families, eat federally funded lunch in school.
中文: (两千九百万大部分来自低收入家庭的儿童,享受联邦政府此次出资的午餐。 更详细进入...
In August, for every purchase of Nutrilite products worth BV$800 or more, Distributors and Privileged Customers can redeem a Nutrilite Multi-purpose Pack at the special price of just $58 .
中文: 8月压轴推出健尔力万用袋,只要在8月份内购买健尔力产品满BV$800,即可以优惠价$58换购健尔力万用袋一个。 更详细进入...
Recycling supplies German lead-refining plants yearly with over 100,000 tonnes of lead and 15,000 tonnes of sulphuric acid.
中文: 再生循环处理每年为社会提供10万多吨精练铅,1万5千吨硫酸。 更详细进入...
The remembrance rankles still in the bosoms of millions of the countrymen. They pant for an opportunity of revenging that humiliation.
中文: 千百万同胞们至今回想起此事依然觉得懊丧,恨不得有机会赶快报仇雪耻。 更详细进入...