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    Mister Wilson, you asked me to hold that red convertible until you made up your mind whether to buy it.

    中文: 这个汽车商人说:「威尔逊先生,你要我把那辆红色敞篷车先留一下,等你作出决定究竟买不买。 更详细进入...
    Peter Jefferson, an enterprising surveyor─father of Thomas Jefferson─had succeeded in making a settle ment in the hill country by acquiring 160 hectares of land for a bowl of punch.

    中文: 有位能干的测量师彼得·杰弗逊——托马斯·杰弗逊的父亲——就曾成功地用一碗混合饮料买到一百六十公顷的土地,在山里住了下来。 更详细进入...
    It was interesting to notice how the Aveo handled a particularly severe dip every bit as well as the higher-priced cars.

    中文: 有趣的是,我们注意到乐骋是如何处理掉特别严格的路况,和较高价位汽车相比,一点也不逊色。 更详细进入...
    Amazon's product range is expanding in much the same way as online sales are.

    中文: 亚马逊的经营范围同网络销售的发展一样逐渐扩大。 更详细进入...
    During the advent of Michael Jackson's arrival, pop music fans began to get excited.

    中文: 迈克尔·杰克逊到场之后,风行乐迷开始变的疯狂起来。 更详细进入...
    Mount Robson (12,972 feet) is the highest mountain in the Canadian Rockies.

    中文: 罗伯逊峰(12972英尺)是洛基山脉在加拿大境内的最高峰。 更详细进入...
    Mr Wilson's neighbors say his flowers grow because he has a green thumb.

    中文: 威尔逊的邻居们说他的花长得好,因为他是园艺高手。 更详细进入...
    Estimation of the HBsAg Gene Copy Number of Recombinant Hansenula Polymorpha Yeast by Fluorescence Quantitative PCR

    中文: 荧光定量PCR法检测重组汉逊酵母中HBsAg基因的拷贝数 更详细进入...
    Expression,characterization,and antimicrobial ability of T4 lysozyme from methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha A16

    中文: T4溶菌酶在多型汉逊酵母中的表达及抑菌活性测定 更详细进入...
    At the beginning of the First World War, John Robinson was a soldier in the army.

    中文: 第一次世界大战刚爆发,约翰·鲁宾逊就到军队里当兵。 更详细进入...
    Beth : It is called Shaft. Samuel L is the main character.

    中文: 贝思:电影的名字叫《夏夫特》。塞谬尔·杰克逊是主要演员。 更详细进入...
    One day, Mr. Johnson drives to a Tax Service Hall for information on tax matters.

    中文: 某日,约翰逊先生驱车来到某办税大厅,进行税务咨询。 更详细进入...
    Religion: Islam is the State Religion, Shiite Muslim 60%, Sunni Muslim 37%; other 3%.

    中文: 宗教:什叶派穆斯林占60%,逊尼派穆斯林占37%,其它占3%。 更详细进入...
    This secret was extensively used by Resident Woodrow Wilson during World War I.

    中文: 第一次世界大战期间,咸尔逊总统曾大力运用本秘诀。 更详细进入...
    A study of safety and antibody responses for a new recombinant hepatitis B vaccine (Hansenula polymorpha)

    中文: 重组(汉逊酵母)乙型肝炎疫苗副反应和抗体应答观察 更详细进入...
    EXAMPLE: Our colleague old Mr. Johnson was boring the young people at our company's annual dinner party because he only wanted to talk shop.

    中文: 我们的同事老约翰逊先生在公司的年度聚餐会上让年轻人乏味,因为他总是三句话不离本行。 更详细进入...
    As a lexicographer, Johnson distinguished himself as the author of the first English dictionary by an Englishman----A Dictionary of the English Language, a gigantic task which Johnson undertook single-handedly and finished in over seven years.

    中文: 作为词典编撰者,约翰逊是编撰英文词典的第一个英国人,作品为《英文大词典》,这部巨著是塞缪尔.约翰逊花了七年时间独自完成的。 更详细进入...
    3 Students at Oxbridge regard the students at other universities as poor relations.

    中文: 牛津剑桥的学生认为其它学校的学生比他们略逊一筹。 更详细进入...
    Dr. Thomason, do you know of any openings on cam-pus? I need a part-time job.

    中文: (汤姆逊博士,你知道校内有空缺吗?我需要一份半职工作。) 更详细进入...
    He also bagged United's crucial first goal in their stunning 4-2 comeback at Goodison Park.

    中文: 也在古迪逊公园4-2的胜利中打进了关键的第1个球。 更详细进入...

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