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Peter Jefferson, an enterprising surveyor─father of Thomas Jefferson─had succeeded in making a settle ment in the hill country by acquiring 160 hectares of land for a bowl of punch.

Peter Finch renewed his plea. He explained that he had come all the way from White Horse. He explained again, and again. And he refused to leave. 彼得·芬奇重复说明着他的理由。他解释说,他从白马城一路赶来。他解释了一遍又一遍。而且他拒绝离开。
Peter Hill, a psychology professor at the Rosemead School of Psychology at Biola University in La Mirada, said that for some people, facing a loved one with a terminal illness is what makes them aware of their own mortality. 拉米拉达白欧拉大学罗斯密心理学院心理系教授希尔说,对某些人,面对挚爱的亲人得到绝症,使他们忽然理解自己也将死亡。
Peter I is crowned as Emperor of Brazil. 1822年,彼得一世被授冠成为巴西的皇帝。
Peter II becomes Tsar of Russia. 1727年的今天,彼得二世成为俄罗斯的沙皇。
Peter Jackson says (in the commentary track on the Extended DVD) that he looked at every frame on a computer and has never seen anything resembling a car and claims that it's nonsense (and certainly the original sighting remains unconfirmed by IMDb goof s 佊德·杰克逊在DVD的导演评论音轨中说他在电脑上把第一格都仔细看了也看不到汽车,并将“电影中有汽车”的说法斥为无稽。
Peter Jefferson, an enterprising surveyor─father of Thomas Jefferson─had succeeded in making a settle ment in the hill country by acquiring 160 hectares of land for a bowl of punch. 有位能干的测量师彼得·杰弗逊——托马斯·杰弗逊的父亲——就曾成功地用一碗混合饮料买到一百六十公顷的土地,在山里住了下来。
Peter Kenyon was pleased after seeing Chelsea drawn against Valencia in the quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League. 肯扬对在接下来的欧冠1/4决赛中对阵巴伦西亚的抽签结果感到满意.
Peter Kincaid,Justice in Tort Choice of Law,(1996),18 Adel L.Rev.,p192.193. 车英.国际商事交往中法律选择方法的新发展[J].武汉大学学报(社科版),1999.1.
Peter Leopold Joseph of Habsburg-Lorraine, Grand Duke of Tuscany, promulgates a penal reform making his country the first state to abolish the death penalty. 1786年,洛林哈普斯堡皇室的托斯卡纳区大公(阶级仅次于国王)彼得·利奥波德·约瑟夫颁布了一项刑法改革,从而使他的国家成为第一个废止了死刑的地区和国家。
Peter MacMannus: Whoa! A top-secret NASA security clearance badge! How did you get this? 哇!美国航空航天局高度机密安检徽章!你怎么搞到的?
Peter MacMannus: Wow! How? Who's hiding them? 哇噢!怎么会的?谁干的啊?

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