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    Li order to reduce diesel oxidated gum and produce new standard diesel oil, Nanyang wax fine chemical plant uses the solvent to extract catalysed diesel oil.

    中文: 摘要利用溶剂萃取法精制催化柴油以达到降低柴油氧化沉渣和生产新标准环保柴油的目的。 更详细进入...
    To achieve fidelity or transmigration of translation, a translater should retain the intention and context of the source text as the measure of translation.

    中文: 要保持译文与原文在内容与形式上一致,应该以原文作者的意图和实际语境作为取舍的标准。 更详细进入...
    We are aware of this one and we are taking action both through the local courts and by negotiating with the authorities in China to prevent violation of copyright.

    中文: 我们得到消息后就开始采取行动以保护版权——通过当地法院和与中国当局进行谈判这种手段。 更详细进入...
    Signal transduction of JNK and the role of ROS in these pathways

    中文: JNK介导的信号转导途径以及活性氧在其中的作用 更详细进入...
    The annual premium for an individual is $3,000 and the maximum deductible -- the amount those insured must pay themselves before insurance kicks in -- is $1,000.

    中文: 这种保单面向个人收取的年保费为3,000美元,最大免赔额(在承保人赔偿之前被保险人需要自己承担的部分)为1,000美元。 更详细进入...
    The gathering of opinions may be in various forms such as panel discussion, feasibility study meeting, hearing etc.

    中文: 听取意见可以采取座谈会、论证会、听证会等多种形式。 更详细进入...
    Any shipper or passenger may, on voluntary basis, enter into insured transport of valued goods or buy insurance policy for transport of goods, or may do without.

    中文: 托运人或者旅客根据自愿,可以办理保价运输,也可以办理货物运输保险;还可以既不办理保价运输,也不办理货物运输保险。 更详细进入...
    That ignominious experience led the Tories to adopt inflation targeting, which has transformed Britain's macroeconomic performance.

    中文: 这段不光彩的经历使得保守党采取了设定通胀目标的方法,这让英国宏观经济表现得以改观。 更详细进入...
    And he said, Take the arrows; and he took them. And he said to the king of Israel, Strike the ground; and he struck the ground three times then stopped.

    中文: 18以利沙又说,取几枝箭来;他就取了来。以利沙对以色列王说,向地射罢;他射了三次,便止住了。 更详细进入...
    And when they had taken security of Jason, and of the other, they let them go.

    中文: 9于是取了耶孙和其馀之人的保状,就释放了他们。 更详细进入...
    Genomic DNA extraction of Calanus sinicusin different preser-vations

    中文: 不同保存条件下中华哲水蚤基因组DNA提取的比较 更详细进入...
    Since open leads will have a lower capacitance than connected leads, the tester can tell which leads are soldered correctly and which leads are open.

    中文: 由于开路的导线比连接线的电容要低,所以测试仪器可以检测出哪条导线连接正常,哪条导线是开路。 更详细进入...
    Improved Method for Preparation of Guard Cell Protoplasts from Leaves of Vicia faba

    中文: 从蚕豆叶片中提取保卫细胞原生质体方法的改进 更详细进入...
    A method of extracting genomic DNA from the terrapin animal preserved in Formalin

    中文: 福尔马林保存的龟鳖类动物基因组DNA的提取方法 更详细进入...
    Inhibiting Effects of the Extracts of Isolated Bacteria from Xinjiang on the Ultraviolet Induction of Bacteriophage λ

    中文: 新疆分离细菌的提取物对λ噬菌体紫外诱导的抑制作用 更详细进入...
    So abortion leads to abortion.

    中文: 所以堕胎导致另一个堕胎。 更详细进入...
    He can lead or gate 135 magic beings.

    中文: 他可以领导135个魔法生物。 更详细进入...
    This section essence shrinks the proportion is 1:43 simulation model vehicle the east wind -11 short distance trajectory guided missile truck which develops voluntarily by our country, may mobile launch carries the system is a prototype,The chassis and th

    中文: 此款精缩比例为1:43的仿真模型车以我国自行发展、可机动发射的东风-11短程弹道导弹车载系统为原型,车体及导弹为合金制造,导弹可以从发射架上取出或随发射架旋转至各个角度,所有车门均可打开,橡胶轮胎可以转动,零件数接近200个。 更详细进入...
    Banded together for protection.

    中文: 团结起来以求保护 更详细进入...
    And he said, Take the arrows. And he took them. And he said unto the king of Israel, Smite upon the ground. And he smote thrice, and stayed.

    中文: 18以利沙又说,取几枝箭来。他就取了来。以利沙说,打地吧。他打了三次,便止住了。 更详细进入...

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