They are prized[2] for their elegance and for their reputed medicinal properties, as a perfume, and also as an edible.
中文: 百合以其高贵典雅及口碑不错药用价值而倍受人们重视,可提炼香精、可食用。 更详细进入...
“She has screamed out on purpose.” declared Abbot, in some disgust, “ And what a scream!
中文: “她是故意乱叫乱嚷的,”艾博特厌烦地当着我的面说,“而且叫得那么凶! 更详细进入...
Energy is not consumed but recharged, to be focused outwards into the world.
中文: 两人的精力不是在耗费而是在重新蓄满,以继续朝着自己的目标与理想前行。 更详细进入...
I could muster no strength in what must have been a frail frame in the eyes of my porters and guide.
中文: 我想在搬运工人眼中的应是一具脆弱的躯体,而这躯体中经已不存丝毫精力。 更详细进入...
Some seek spiritual enlightenment in Eastern religions while many could be described as agnostic.
中文: 一些人到东方的宗教中寻求精神上的启迪,而许多人则被看作是不可知论者。 更详细进入...
The Fourth Artist Fair continues the mission of inheritance and exchange of visual art, and represents the broadness of sharing and closeness of coherence.
中文: 第四届艺术家博览会延续著视觉艺术界传承、交流的精神,象徵著宽阔的分享与紧密的凝聚。 更详细进入...
The wonderful Second CICAF just lowered its curtain, and the 2006 Automobile Exhibit of Westlake Expo will open in a week, ahead of time.
中文: 精彩纷呈的第二届中国国际动漫节刚刚闭幕,再过一个多星期,2006西博车展就要提前开展了。 更详细进入...
I was the sperm that the bag's shouting, No!
中文: 我就是那个精虫袋(阴囊)里的小精虫,拼命喊:不要! 更详细进入...
“State-owned oil raised the gold domes and granite minarets of Omar Ali Saifuddien mosque in this delta capital and lifted the country's per capita income to among the world's highest.
中文: 汶莱富庶的国家石油资源不仅让博而基亚清真寺的换上了金碧辉煌的园冠和价值不菲的花岗岩尖顶,而且让该国的人均收入一跃跻身于世界最高水平的行列。 更详细进入...
Taxpayers should not be expected to prop up any theatres or museums that cannot survive on a commercial basis.
中文: 纳税人不应该为非盈利性的剧院和博物馆纳税。 更详细进入...
As a result, the mature female mud crab can spawn, though the number of eggs laid is affected.
中文: 结果表明精英的人工移植不会破坏成熟雌蟹纳精囊的内环境,其内精子具正常受精能力。 更详细进入...
From the largest, multi-product online business conglomerate to the one-page one-product mini-site, the purpose is the same.
中文: 精简页面上大量的内容和产品信息,把它们整合在一张小而精致的页面上。 更详细进入...
Your each ones are all very excellent, working feeling excelsior, but their eyes were misty the view was falsity!
中文: 你的各个方面都很优秀,做事情精益求精,而他们的眼睛模糊了视线歪曲了! 更详细进入...
That's why blogging can't be the only reason for my having been entered.
中文: 所以写博客这一形式肯定不是入选的唯一因素。 更详细进入...
The Big Ben, the Tower of London and the British Museum remain famous in the world.
中文: 大本钟、伦敦塔以及不列颠博物馆仍然名扬世界。 更详细进入...
Our spirit and soul, or individuality, are joined to Him.
中文: 我们的精神和灵魂、或个性和上帝合而为一。 更详细进入...
The fertilized ovule becomes the seed, and the ovary becomes the fruit.
中文: 已受精的卵子成为种子,而子房变成了果实。 更详细进入...
Blogs, web logs or journals, which cover topics from politics to parenting, have such enormous followings that 0 can no longer resist advertising in them.
中文: 博客,又称网络日志,记录内容从政治到育儿,无所不包,近来博客发展势头锐不可挡,连营销、广告人士也开始用它来做广告了。 更详细进入...
Gambling was his destruction.
中文: 赌博把他毁了. 更详细进入...
Let's find a happy medium.
中文: 他沉溺于赌博。 更详细进入...