He is a pretty good comrade, when all is said and done.
中文: 不管怎么说,他总还是一个相当好的同志。 更详细进入...
In any case, we all start on the same level.
中文: 不管怎么说,大家都是在一个起跑线上了。” 更详细进入...
Much as I like you, I couldn't live with you.
中文: 我尽管很喜欢你, 却不能和你在一起生活. 更详细进入...
That's one part of the job done at any rate.
中文: 不管怎么说,这个工作已经做了一部分了 更详细进入...
They magically transformed a late 2002 second round pick for a late 2009 second round pick. If that's not victory, I don't know what is.
中文: 哈哈,他们魔术般地用一个2002年的二轮换来了一个2009年的二轮。如果这都不算胜利,什么才算呢? 更详细进入...
Summary: Organizational culture is not only an idea of management, but also an effective managing manner, which has a high irreplaceable value.
中文: 摘要:组织文化不仅是一种管理思想,更是一种行之有效的管理方法,在管理成效上具有无可替代的重要价值。 更详细进入...
A good butler knows just how to rouse one after a boozy night and now anyone can wake feeling pampered to the indulgent tones of the consummate valet.
中文: 到底怎样才算是一个称职的管家呢?他应当可以做到在主人通宵狂饮的情况下,仍然能够于第二天清晨将主人及时唤醒。目前,英国推出的一种“管家”闹钟就是这样一个称职的管家。 更详细进入...
The salary payment date for January 2006 will be advanced to 24th January 2006 (Tuesday). Enquiries can be directed to the Payroll and Superannuation Unit at 2609 7240/7246.
中文: 二零零六年一月份之薪金,将提前于一月二十四日(星期二)发放。查询可致电薪津及公积金组(二六零九七二四零/七二四六)。 更详细进入...
One, two, three, four, five.
中文: 一,二,三,四,五。 更详细进入...
One,Two,How Do You Do?
中文: 一二,你好吗? 更详细进入...
ISSUE147-Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them.
中文: 传统和现代化是水火不容的。人们必须二者选一。 更详细进入...
That's one of the two words in the English language I most detest-pretty and the other is beautiful.
中文: 我最不愿听到的字眼有两个,一是漂亮、二是美丽。 更详细进入...
The next day Jo was still in a bad mood, so she went to find Laurie and go skating.
中文: 第二天乔仍心情不佳,所以找了罗力一起溜冰去。 更详细进入...
W: We have Tomato egg flower soup, It tastes delicious.
中文: 您二位可以试一试西红柿蛋花汤,味道挺不错的。 更详细进入...
[size=4][size=1]147. Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them.
中文: 传统和现代化是水火不容的。人们必须二者选一。 更详细进入...
I'm twenty-one years old.
中文: 我二十一岁。 更详细进入...
Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them.
中文: 传统和现代化是水火不容的。人们必须二者选一。 更详细进入...
Article 21. Maltreatment and discrimination shall not be allowed between step-parents and step-children.
中文: 第二十一条继父母与继子女间,不得虐待或歧视。 更详细进入...
Treating spayed rats with pregnancy woman urine or estrone increased both uterine and ileal mean amplitude.
中文: 二者动作的频率在实验的各种情况下,均不一律。 更详细进入...
Rev. 21:14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
中文: 启二一14城墙有十二根基,根基上有羔羊十二使徒的十二个名字。 更详细进入...