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    17 China's community service has a late start and its development is by no means balanced; therefore, much work need to be done to offset the problems and strengthen the weak link.

    中文: 17我国社区服务起步较晚,发展还很不平衡,还有许多不足之处和薄弱环节需要克服。 更详细进入...
    The risk of cutting through outburst coal seams in vertical shaft becomes higher and higher with the increase of excavation depth.

    中文: 摘要随着煤矿开采深度的增加,立井揭穿煤与瓦斯突出危险煤层的危险性日趋增大,因此解决这一问题成为深部立井施工的当务之急。 更详细进入...
    Some such examples may include (but are not limited to): the different implications of paying with stock versus cash, the relevance of goodwill, the basic differences of buying assets versus stock, why a manager would make a 338 election (or (h) or (h)(10

    中文: 此类税务规划可能包括(但不限于)以现金或股票为对价之不同意涵、商誉与税务之关联、资产收购与股权收购之基本差异、影响经理人是否选择适用所得税法第三百三十八条(将股权收购视为资产收购)之因素、及营业损失净额之价值等。 更详细进入...
    Every person has the right to have the Community make good any damage caused by its institutions or by its servants in the performance of their duties, in accordance with the general principles common to the laws of the Member States.

    中文: 人人均有依会员国法律所共同之一般原则要求欧洲共同体就其机构或履行职务之公务员所导致之损害进行补偿或赔偿之权利。 更详细进入...
    Records were never a Chelsea priority but with the League won, Mourinho is looking to his team to establish new top-flight bests for points total and fewest goals conceded.

    中文: 创造记录并非切尔西的当务之急,但既然已经赢得了联赛,穆里尼奥期待队员们能在联赛积分和赛季失球数两项中创造前无古人的新记录。 更详细进入...
    While farmer cooperative organizations in China are still in the initial phase of their developing process, the pressing issues to be attended to consist of enhancing the construction of the inner institution of cooperatives and accelerating the cooperati

    中文: 而目前我国农民合作组织尚处于发展的初级阶段,当务之急是通过加强合作社内部建设和加快立法进程以促进农民合作组织的发展。 更详细进入...
    Article 29 The residents in the vicinity of urban roads shall be under the obligation to assist in the maintenance and cleanliness of the roads.

    中文: 第29条(道路附近居民之义务)沿市区道路附近居民,有协助维护道路及保持道路清洁之义务。 更详细进入...
    After a switch-off via the emergency stop there will be ozone in the system of the OZAT? CFS (ozone generator and its lines).

    中文: 通过紧急停机之后,CFS臭氧发生器及臭氧气体管路中有臭氧存在. 更详细进入...
    Capable of calmly awaiting an outcome or a result; not hasty or impulsive.

    中文: 耐心的,不冲动的能平静等待后果或结果的;不急的或不冲动的 更详细进入...
    It's not urgent we can do it next week or whenever.

    中文: 不是急事--我们可以下星期做或其他时候做. 更详细进入...
    Sometimes you can't tell 'cause fluid rushes to the area.

    中文: 有时候你会分辨不清,因为这个地区有急流。 更详细进入...
    The ordered goods are in urgent need and your prompt delivery will be appreciated.

    中文: 所定货物急切需要,如蒙迅速交货,不胜感谢。 更详细进入...
    Serve acute pancreatitis(SAP)is a common acute abdomen characterized by sudden occurrence, complications and a high mortality rate.

    中文: 重症急性胰腺炎(serve acute pancreatitis,SAP)是常见的急腹症,其发病急、并发症高、病死率高。 更详细进入...
    Unlike data outside services, data on the inside is private to the service.

    中文: 不像服务外部数据,服务内部数据是服务私有的。 更详细进入...
    I forgot,said Wendy lightly. She was in a hurry to get her breakfast.

    中文: “我忘了。”温迪不在意地说,她急着要去吃早饭。 更详细进入...
    Don’t drag your feet on this deadline.

    中文: 你不要在这最后期限的紧急关头磨磨蹭蹭。 更详细进入...
    [bbe] My days go quicker than a post-runner: they go in flight, they see no good.

    中文: 我的日子比跑信的更快,急速过去,不见福乐。 更详细进入...
    Waiter: I don't know, sir. I'm a waiter, not a fortune-teller.

    中文: 服务员:先生,我不知道,我是个服务员,不是算命的。 更详细进入...
    After a tantrum, complaints about the service and a phone call to Flavio the matter was dropped.

    中文: 她先是大发雷霆,而后又对服务抱怨了一番,最后给弗拉维奥打了一个电话,之后此事便不了了之。 更详细进入...
    If business operators violate the provisions of paragraph 2,subparagraphs 1and 2, the consumers shall not be liable to pay any price above the cash transaction price.

    中文: 企业经营者违反第二项第一款、第二款之规定者,消费者不负现金交易价格以外价款之给付义务。 更详细进入...

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