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Unlike data outside services, data on the inside is private to the service.

Unlike baseball, there is no pitcher to throw the ball. 不象棒球,它没有投球手去投球。
Unlike bosons, fermions are misanthropes; the Pauli exclusion principle prohibits them from existing in the same quantum state. 费米子与玻色子不同,它们喜欢离群索居,包立不相容原理禁止它们处于同一个量子状态。
Unlike class politics, unit politics confines benefit conflict to the interior of a unit, thereby delineat-ing its boundary. 本文认为,认识到聚合政治利益的公共领域分割问题,对于理解社会公众的参与行为具有特别意义。
Unlike cold sores, canker sores appear inside the mouth. 不同于唇疱疹,口腔出现在嘴里面。
Unlike commercial web sites, the VolunteerMatch site was uncluttered and easy to use. 与其他商业网站不同,“志愿者征询”网站界面友好并易于使用。
Unlike data outside services, data on the inside is private to the service. 不像服务外部数据,服务内部数据是服务私有的。
Unlike debt financing, the decision for a business or a bank to choose equity financing is a difficult one. 不像债务融资,企业或银行要选择股权融资的决定非常困难。
Unlike deep brain stimulation, however, our gene therapy approach is much simpler, can be carried out entirely under local anaesthesia, and avoids leaving any devices in the body,he said. 然而与后者不同的是我们的基因疗法更加简单,仅在局部麻醉的情况下即可施行,而且不会在患者体内植入任何器件。”
Unlike deep sea diving, where depth and uncontrolled ascent are the great dangers, the peril of cave diving is disorientation. 跟大洋潜水不同,在那里,深度和不可控的上升是最大的威胁,而在洞穴潜水中,迷失方向才是最大危险。
Unlike deposits where the bank has to provide security and also provide compe ation in the form of interest, a loan is a form of investment for the bank? 在存款时,银行提供安全保障,同时以利息的形式提供补偿,而贷款是银行的投资。
Unlike deposits where the bank has to provide security and also provide compensation in the form of interest, a loan is a form of investment for the bank? 在存款时,银行提供安全保障,同时以利息的形式提供补偿,而贷款是银行的投资。

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