中文: 迈氏唇鞭毛虫致病性的研究 更详细进入...
Preparation of the Flagellate Specimens for Surface Scanning Electron Microscopy
中文: 鞭毛虫的扫描电镜样品制备 更详细进入...
Research on the Identification of Penis et Testis Cervi with Molecular Taxonomy
中文: 中药材鹿鞭的分子鉴定研究 更详细进入...
Progress on Swimming Mechanism of Flagellar Bacteria
中文: 鞭毛细菌游动机理研究进展 更详细进入...
Expression and function of CD40 on rat peritoneal mesothelial cells
中文: CD40在大鼠腹膜间皮细胞的表达及其功能研究 更详细进入...
Energy Budget and Feed Intake of Golden Pheasant in Autumn Reproductive Period
中文: 红腹锦鸡秋季繁殖期能量收支及采食量研究 更详细进入...
A horse is neither better nor worse for his trappings.
中文: 相马不可凭马的装饰. 更详细进入...
中文: 伊朗卡尚地区始新世沟鞭藻类 更详细进入...
Comparative study on methods for staining the flagella of bacterium
中文: 4种细菌鞭毛染色方法的比较 更详细进入...
Sometimes taken internally may cause vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness.
中文: 内服有时能引起呕吐﹐腹痛﹐腹泻﹐头晕。 更详细进入...
Throughout the first two years, the bodies of these young colts or fillies will be growing tremendously quickly.
中文: 前两年,这些小雄马或小雌马的身体会成长的非常快。 更详细进入...
Internal hernias are silent if they are easily reducible, but the majority often cause epigastric discomfort, periumbilical pain, and recurrent episodes of intestinal obstruction (3,5).
中文: 腹内疝如果易于复原则可以不表现症状,但绝大多数导致上腹不适、脐周疼痛和反复发作的肠梗阻。 更详细进入...
Figure 4. Ventral hernia with omental fat protruding through the defect in the rectus sheath. Arrows point to the defect in the rectus sheath.
中文: 图4。腹疝,大网膜经缺损的腹直肌鞘突出。箭头指示腹直肌鞘缺损。 更详细进入...
If the girl is in love with the boy, she will just wave her whip in the air.
中文: 若姑娘有情于彼,即使追上,鞭子也只是高高摇晃,并不真打。 更详细进入...
She can use the fire lash ability at will as long as her power point reserve is 11 or more.
中文: 灵能点馀量不少于11的操焰者可以随意使用“火焰鞭”能力。 更详细进入...
The paper mainly deals with the bullwhip effect in China vaccine cold chain, analyzes the basic structure and characteristics of the chain, discusses the causes and bad effects of bullwhip effect and puts forward some solutions.
中文: 主要讲述了中国疫苗冷藏链中的牛鞭效应,分析了疫苗冷藏链的基本构成及其特殊性,其牛鞭效应产生的原因以及引起的危害,最后提出了初步的解决方案。 更详细进入...
If I attain great wealth I will remember one unfed mouth.
中文: 腰缠万贯时,想想那些食不果腹的人。 更详细进入...
The workers covered the broken bone with a very thick plaster cast, which I believe would not keep it from moving on gracefully.
中文: 也不知要过多久,也许要等骨头慢慢长好了,旋转木马的泪才渐渐不再流。 更详细进入...
Conclusion: When mothers and obstetricians make medical decisions, non-medical factors such as ethnicity may not directly influence the selection of delivery mode.
中文: 结论:我国产妇及医师在决定采用剖腹产时受国籍别等非医疗因素干扰不大。 更详细进入...
The milky white fluid shown here in the peritoneal cavity represents a chylous ascites.
中文: 图示:腹膜腔乳糜性腹水,呈乳白色。 更详细进入...