Studies of Agrobacterium rhi. zogenes Transformation Regeneration Plantlet of Gentiana manshurica.
发根农杆菌转化龙胆再生植株的研究 |
The A-204C Polymorphism in CYP7A1 Gene Affects Its Promoter Activity
CYP7A1基因-204位点A/C变异对启动子活性的影响(英文) |
Rapid determination of platelet alloantigen genotypes of HPA-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 systems by AS-PCR method
快速AS-PCR技术用于血小板HPA-1,-2,-3,-4,-5抗原系统等位基因的分型 |
The roles of TNF-α and IL-8 in the pathogensis of brain edema induced by LPS in rat
TNF-α、IL-8在脂多糖致大鼠脑水肿发生中的变化和意义 |
Studies on the Alkaloids from Transformed Hairy Root of Rauvolfia verticillata by Agrobacterium rhizogenes
转化毛状根获得萝芙木生物碱的研究 |
Energy Budget and Feed Intake of Golden Pheasant in Autumn Reproductive Period
红腹锦鸡秋季繁殖期能量收支及采食量研究 |
Advances in the Research of Checkpoint Kinase 1
细胞周期检测点激酶1的研究进展 |
Genetic diversity of human Parvovirus B19 VP1 unique region
人细小病毒B19 VP1独特区基因变异的研究 |
Effects of environmental factors on bolting and flowering of ephemeral plant Lepidium perfoliatum L.
环境因素对短命植物抱茎独行菜抽薹开花节律的影响 |
High Sensitive Interface Fluorescent Sensing for DNA Based on Energy Transfermation Between Graphene and QDs Self-assembly Multilayers
基于石墨烯和量子点自组装膜的能量转移构筑的高灵敏度DNA界面荧光传感 |
Construction of eukaryotic expression vector harbouring F and HN gene of Newcastle disease virus
新城疫病毒F和HN基因真核表达载体的构建 |