All the students in our class,except Jim, are well-behaved. He's the black sheep.
中文: 我们班里的同学除去吉姆之外,品行都很好。他真是害群之马。 更详细进入...
Transsphenoidal approach to sellar and surrounding region:comparison of endoscopic anatomy and microsurgical anatomy
中文: 经蝶窦入路至鞍区及周围结构:显微解剖与内镜解剖的比较 更详细进入...
The status of personal burnout and work-related burnout was measured by the Chinese version of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (C-CBI).
中文: 以「哥本哈根疲劳量表」做为测量疲劳的工具,包括「一般疲劳」与「工作相关疲劳」两个分量表。 更详细进入...
I love Mozart's melody; I love Markov Process.
中文: 吾爱莫扎特之韵律,吾亦爱马尔可夫过程。 更详细进入...
The Spurs will have 30 games remaining after the All-Star break.
中文: 在全明星周之后,马刺还有30场比赛要打。 更详细进入...
POLICE in Malta have launched a full-scale hunt for Madeleine McCann after five separate sightings of the missing four-year-old in five days.
中文: 在5天内出现5次分散的碰到走失马德琳之后,马耳他警察发起了大规模的寻找马德琳的行动。 更详细进入...
Article 19 If a party to a collective agreement violates any provision of the agreement which does not relate to conditions of labor except as otherwise provided by a collective agreement, the court may, upon application of the affected employer or contra
中文: 第19条(违反非劳动条件规定之处罚)团体协约关系人违反团体协约中不属于劳动条件之规定时,除该团体协约另有规定外,法院依利害关系之雇主或团体协约当事人之声请,得科雇主五百元以下、工人五十元以下之罚金。 更详细进入...
Also, when the National Art Museum held the Maya culture exhibit, I was invited to tell Maya stories to the public.
中文: 除此之外,国美馆举办马雅文明展览时,我参加了「马雅姊姊说故事」的活动。 更详细进入...
Applied anatomy of the optic chiasma and its surrounding structures related with sellar tumour and its clinical significance
中文: 与鞍区肿瘤相关的视交叉及其邻近组织的解剖及其临床意义 更详细进入...
By 1944 he was a year behind in appointments and suffering from over-exertion and edema of the lungs.
中文: 到1944年时,他的预约已排到一年之后,他过度疲劳,患上了肺气肿。 更详细进入...
After study, still original own, to enhanced the farmer to work the skill function not to be big.
中文: 学习之后,仍旧还是原来的自己,对提高农民劳动技能作用不大。 更详细进入...
The following decades would bring unskilled labor to America's doorstep, New York Harbor.
中文: 之后的几十年里,一无所长的劳工从美国大门纽约港蜂拥而入。 更详细进入...
Where an employer, his agent, or other worker has contracted infectious diseases having the danger of contagion.
中文: 四雇主、雇主代理人或其他劳工患有恶性传染病,有传染之虞者。 更详细进入...
Yesterday unions in France, locked in a battle over labour reforms, were already denouncing the job cut plans.
中文: 昨天,深陷劳工改革之争的法国各工会已在公开谴责裁员计划。 更详细进入...
Man, it's rough considering who we're playing, the start of the season, the hype of the game, the lights,Kobe said.It's obviously a big night.
中文: 人的疲劳度是要考虑的,开始的比赛,开足马力的比赛时间,神科比.这是个伟大的夜晚. 更详细进入...
It is no good having a super model of a horse if it has not got the right aptitude for learning and a heart big enough to keep trying when the chips are down.
中文: 如果马匹没有善于学习的资质,和在紧要关头不断努力的雄心,再好的身体也是徒劳。 更详细进入...
Therefore I completely despaired of all the fruit of my labor for which I had labored under the sun.
中文: 传2:20故此、我转想我在日光之下所劳碌的一切工作、心便绝望。 更详细进入...
Compared with his peers of the Party, MAO Ze-dong was the very man who had indeed caught on the essence of Marx's theory of distribution according to work.
中文: 摘要毛泽东与当时中共的其他领导人相比,他真正把握了马克思的按劳分配的本意。 更详细进入...
The Owner, Trainer and Jockey of the winning horse will receive the trophies from Mr Tam Shu Kan, Vice Chairman, Mr Wong Yuk Lun and Mr Lo Tak Fai, members of the Executive Committee of MRHOA respectively.
中文: 赛后澳门马主协会副主席谭树根先生、执行委员黄玉麟先生及卢德辉先生将分别颁发予胜出马匹之马主、练马师及骑师。 更详细进入...
Amniotic fluid embolization can have the same outcome as a large saddle pulmonary embolus.
中文: 羊水栓塞可产生类似于大鞍状血栓引起的肺动脉栓塞的后果。 更详细进入...