As the theater was full, we were unable to gain admittance.
中文: 由于电影院客满,我们没能获得入场许可。 更详细进入...
He gets a great sense of fulfillment from his work with the mentally handicapped.
中文: 他从帮助弱智者的工作中获得了满足感。 更详细进入...
Take a helicopter ride over the falls and see them from above.
中文: 不要只是在地面看看瀑布就觉得满足了。 更详细进入...
There has been no satisfactory resolution of the paradox.
中文: 这个怪现象并没有得到令人满意的解决。 更详细进入...
The broker's hour is not only crowded, but the minutes and seconds are hanging to all the straps and packing both front and rear platforms.
中文: 证券经纪人不仅时辰拥挤,他的分分秒秒都是挤得满满当当的,像是前后站台都挤满乘客的车厢里的拉手吊带,每根都被拉得紧绷绷的。 更详细进入...
Aman who is sexually raring to go when he first awakens will often beconfused and frustrated by a partner who behaves like a zombie in themorning.
中文: 一个大清早醒来便渴望性欲得到满足的男人,看到伴侣表现得一副死鱼像时,常常会满脸的困惑和失望。 更详细进入...
These things we usually regard as very important things are not the most perfect, although their count for much, then, actually what can cause to live is much more ready to cope?
中文: 这些我们通常非常看重的东西都不是最完满的,虽然他们非常重要,那么,究竟什么能使得生活变得圆满? 更详细进入...
She put away the milk, the orange, the biscuits and the cat food, then struggled to slide the two pizza's into an already crowded freezer spraying tiny shards of ice across the floor.
中文: 她放好那些牛奶,橙子,饼干和猫食,然后试图把两块比萨饼塞入已经满满的冒着冷气的冰箱里。 更详细进入...
Vince: Don't jump the gun. She's in the driver's seat right now. You have to be patient.
中文: 文斯:别高兴得太早。现在还是她在作主。你得要沉得住气。 更详细进入...
Day 4: The starter should have sweet aroma with slight pleasant sourness and full of bubbles.
中文: 第4天:酵母液这时应该有股比较愉悦的酸味且充满气泡。 更详细进入...
Open upstream slowly, fill the valve and bleed the air through Test cock 2, 3 and 4.
中文: 慢慢开启上游,注满阀门,通过测试旋塞2,3和4号排放空气。 更详细进入...
Shanghai is an international metropolis full of vigor, dynamism and variety.
中文: 上海是一座朝气蓬勃、充满活力、多姿多彩的国际化大都市。 更详细进入...
Students will study and live in a modern, vibrant, beautiful and comfortable environment.
中文: 学生们可在充满现代化气息、优美舒适的氛围中学习、生活。 更详细进入...
Mark Twain once said, ““Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions.
中文: 马克吐温曾经说:远离那些让你觉得渺小,丧志的人群。 更详细进入...
The mysql_field_flags() function returns the flags of a field in a recordset.
中文: 函数的作用是:从结果中取得和指定字段关联的标志。 更详细进入...
He(Reagan) sent Secretary of State Shultz to Capitol Hill in an effort to shore up wavering Republicans.
中文: 他(里根)派国务卿舒尔兹到国会山庄去给意志动摇的共和党议员打气。 更详细进入...
In times of difficulty, we must not lose sight of our achievements, must see the bright future and must pluck up our courage.
中文: 我们的同志在困难的时候,要看到成绩,要看到光明,要提高我们的勇气。 更详细进入...
Biomarker records of penguin habitat dropping-amended soil from southwest Antarctica and its environmental significance
中文: 西南极企鹅栖息地粪土沉积层中生物标志物记录及其环境气候意义 更详细进入...
He got all “10s” for 3,5 Reverse.
中文: 他在反身翻腾三周半取得了所有的满分。 更详细进入...
Like the Venusians, women are motivated and empowered when they feel cherished.
中文: 女人觉得受珍爱时,她会被鼓舞,充满动力。 更详细进入...