Please fax order form to 2580-3959 or call 2870-3791 for enquiries.
中文: 3请将订购表格传真至圣安娜营业部2580-3959订购,或致电2870-3791查询。 更详细进入...
The helicopter lifted up the steel pylon, transported it to the site, and dropped it gently into place.
中文: 直升飞机把高压电缆铁塔吊起,运至工地,然后轻轻放下使之就位。 更详细进入...
By the end of Oct 2001, the company has five 500 KV substations and forty 220 KV substations under its jurisdiction, with a total power transformation capacity of 22.405 million KVA, 137 power transmission lines with a total length of 2,071 kilometres, an
中文: 至2001年10月,公司下辖500千伏变电站5座、220千伏变电站40座,总计变电容量超过了2240.5万千伏安;输电线路137条,总长度2071公里;年输出电量446亿千瓦时以上,占全市年用电量的90%以上。 更详细进入...
At least 4 years maintenance supervisory experience in electricity wiring,mechanical engineering,etc.
中文: 须有至少4年在电线工程、机械工程等方面进行维修督导的经验。 更详细进入...
But Majumdar explains they dropped the switching voltage to a sufficiently low one volt by thinning the channel walls.
中文: 但马强达说明,他们在通道壁减薄后,已将开关电压降低至一伏特。 更详细进入...
In all cases the amenity codes should be keyed into the guest profile in the Fidelio System.
中文: 任何级别的贵宾的特殊要求代码都要输入至电脑的客户档案中。 更详细进入...
When a traveler returns home, he or she downloads the GPS data to a computer and uploads the raw file to OpenStreetMap's Web site.
中文: 返回家中后,他(她)下载GPS数据到电脑上,然后上传至开放地图网站。 更详细进入...
He noted that Afghanistan has just held a democratic election.
中文: 他指出,阿富汗刚刚举行了一次民主选举。 更详细进入...
This is the first reshuffle since the Abe cabinet was established last September; Abe was smashuped at democrat Senate election last month, and the cabinet sustain rate fall down to 20%.It is the important measure taken by the cabinet to consolidate regim
中文: 这是安倍内阁自去年9月成立以来首次全面改组,也是安倍在自民党上月参议院选举遭遇惨败、内阁支持率跌至20%左右的形势下,爲巩固政权采取的重要举措。 更详细进入...
The primed men were also willing (or at least said they were willing) to act heroically as well as spend—but only if the action suggested was life-threatening.
中文: 同样,该小组的男性们还愿意(至少他们是这样说的)从事英雄之创举,甚至愿意付出宝贵的生命—但是他们只会在生命受到威胁的情况下才会那样做。 更详细进入...
You can kill two birds with one stone.
中文: 一举两得。 更详细进入...
Nearly two in three Germans believe a speed limit should be introduced on the car-loving nation's notoriously fast autobahns, according to a new poll.
中文: 一项新民调显示,差不多每3个德国人中就有2人认为,这个爱车之国以狂飙竞速著称的高速公路应该实施速限。 更详细进入...
Keeping a weather eye on it(him) nervously in front of the computer, for fear that a modicum of indiscretion would arouse his antipathy.
中文: 紧张地坐在电脑前关注着它(他),生怕有那么一点点轻举妄动会引起它(他)的反感。 更详细进入...
(I pledge to withhold sex from non-voters for the week following the election.
中文: 宣誓选举后一周之内不和非选举人做爱。 更详细进入...
Mentally ill persons unable to exercise their voting rights shall not do so after confirmation of their cases by an election committee.
中文: 三、精神病患者不能行使选举权利的,经选举委员会确认,不行使选举权利。 更详细进入...
Chinese state media say the government is promising to make more low-income housing available, while at the same time trying to control soaring property prices.
中文: 中国官方媒体说,中国政府承诺更多地为低收入阶层提供房屋,同时试图控制飙升的房地产价格。 更详细进入...
Land prices are rising, especially along the Adriatic coast, as foreigners buy up plots for future development.
中文: 由于外国投资者大量收购为将来经营作准备,土地价格,特别是亚地里亚海沿岸的土地价格飙升。 更详细进入...
The pressure generated at the moment of collision is truly immense, a whopping 1030 times atmospheric pressure, and the temperature inside the fireball soars into the trillions of degrees.
中文: 此外,在碰撞的瞬间产生的压力十分惊人,高达1030大气压左右,而火球内部的温度,也会飙高到好几兆℃。 更详细进入...
This year's Taipei mayoral election is being seen as a prelude to the upcoming presidential election.
中文: 这次台北市长选举,被视为总统选举的前奏。 更详细进入...
Who do Canadians vote for in a federal election?
中文: 在联邦选举中,加拿大公民是对谁进行选举? 更详细进入...