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    A SeaWorld whale trainer is now nursing a broken foot after one of the park's killer whales dragged the trainer underwater during a show.

    中文: 圣地亚哥海洋世界的一位训鲸员在一场表演中,被公园的一只嗜杀鲸鱼拖下了水,目前正在护理受伤的脚。 更详细进入...
    But with every passing year, pro-whaling nations have been gaining ground: last year, for the first time, they persuaded a narrow majority to vote for a resumption of whaling.

    中文: 但年复一年,捕鲸派逐渐追了上来:去年,他们第一次说服了微弱多数的成员来投票赞成重新开始捕鲸活动。 更详细进入...
    How did Pinocchio and Gepprtto get out of the whale's belly?

    中文: 皮诺曹和杰佩托是怎样从鲸鱼腹中逃生的? 更详细进入...

    中文: 鲸类微卫星引物对长江江豚的适用性研究 更详细进入...
    Random Generation : To generate dorjes randomly, roll on Table 7-8: Dorjes.

    中文: 随机产生:随机产生灵杖请按表7-8“灵杖”掷骰。 更详细进入...
    A cobra can swallow a rabbit in one mouthful.

    中文: 眼镜蛇可以一口吞下野兔. 更详细进入...
    China's growth is sucking in energy.

    中文: 中国的发展正在吞噬能源。 更详细进入...
    He can swallow the ocean world.

    中文: 他可以吞掉整个海洋世界。” 更详细进入...
    In 1846, the United States annexed New Mexico.

    中文: 1846年,美国吞并了新墨西哥! 更详细进入...
    The prisoner committed suicide by swallowing a cyanide.

    中文: 那个犯人吞了氰化物自杀。 更详细进入...
    What shall I drink to rinse the medicine down?

    中文: 我喝什么把这药吞下去呢? 更详细进入...
    [NIV] You stretched out your right hand and the earth swallowed them.

    中文: 你伸出右手,地便吞灭他们。 更详细进入...
    Autophagy: TypeⅡ Programmed Cell Death

    中文: 自体吞噬——Ⅱ型程序性死亡 更详细进入...
    During my visit I met several: a Swedish family who came because their 8-year-old son saw the movie Free Willy (about the quest for freedom of a captive orca), and a Dutchman who scaled Mount Everest.

    中文: 我在造访当地时就遇到好几个赏鲸客:一个因为家里八岁大的儿子看了电影「威鲸闯天关」(讲一只被捕获的虎鲸追求自由的故事)而来的瑞典家庭,还有一个攀登过圣母峰的荷兰人。 更详细进入...
    To get the wayward whales headed in the right direction, researchers with the Sausalito-based Marine Mammal Center planned to play recorded humpback sounds from a boat Thursday as the tide goes out, then use more boats lining the channel to try to prevent

    中文: 为了让两只迷路鲸鱼朝著正确方向,梭沙立托地区的「海洋哺乳动物中心」工作人员计画周四在退潮时,从船上播放录好的座头鲸声音,并且用许多小船限制通道,以免两只鲸鱼掉头。 更详细进入...
    A David vs. Goliath battle is afoot in China over the future of the fast-growing business of supplying Internet content over cellphones. So far, the giant is winning.

    中文: 在中国快速成长的手机上网市场,正在上演一场小虾米与大鲸鱼的争斗,到现在为止,似乎鲸鱼仍占据着上风. 更详细进入...
    Indeed, their piscine form led Herman Melville in 1851 to describe Moby Dick and his fellow whales as fishes.

    中文: 正因为牠们的形态类似鱼,19世纪的美国作家梅尔维尔才将「莫比敌」(译注︰《白鲸记》里的白鲸名字)一族描述成鱼。 更详细进入...
    More than 100 rescuers, including secondary school students, AFCD staff, Whale specialists from Ocean Park and Firemen, worked hard for 7 hours to try to get the young whale back into the sea, but eventually failed.

    中文: 大批中学生、渔护署人员、海洋公园鲸豚专家、消防员合力拯救7小时,行动至晚上终告失败,幼鲸需人道毁灭。 更详细进入...
    And the thin and ugly looking cows ate up the first seven fat cows.

    中文: 21吞吃了以后,却看不出是吞吃了,牠们丑陋的样子仍和先前一样;我就醒了。 更详细进入...
    The team that wins the coin toss may choose to kickoff_or_defend the goal of its choice.

    中文: 掷硬币的胜方有优先权选择开球或选择场地。 更详细进入...

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