As the man kept buying eggs the price kept going up.
中文: 某君一直买鸡蛋,而鸡蛋的价格一直上升。 更详细进入...
He takes off the shackles put on by kings and ties a loincloth around their waist.
中文: 18他放松君王的绑,又用带子捆他们的腰。 更详细进入...
O Spirit of God, write upon my heart, with indelible letters, “A royal priesthood.
中文: 愿你写下这句话永不擦掉“是君尊的祭司。” 更详细进入...
There are no lengths to which an addict will not go to obtain.
中文: 瘾君子为了得到毒品什么事都做得出来。 更详细进入...
Four months after the decompression, no morbidity of the extraocular muscles or other complications ensued.
中文: 而在右侧则经皮下行筛房切除术来做内侧及眼窝底减压术;而左侧则经鼻腔以内视镜行减压术。 更详细进入...
The FDG-PET scan showed higher radioactivity in the left testis than in the right one and left testicular disorder was thus suspected.
中文: 正子摄影显示左侧睾丸比右侧睾丸放射活性增加,因此怀疑左侧睾丸之疾患而安排进一步检查。 更详细进入...
CHEN L Z , CHEN Q L ,BAO X C , et al . Studies on Chinese arborvitae forest and its biomass in Beijing[J ] . Acta Phytoecologica et Geobotanica Sinica ,1986 ,10 (1) :17——25.
中文: 陈灵芝,陈清朗,鲍显诚,等.北京山区的侧柏林及其生物量研究[J].植物生态学与地植物学丛刊,1986,10(1):17——25. 更详细进入...
The chest X-rays and computed tomography revealed a well-defined intensive enhanced mass in the left middle mediastinum with necrotic changes and calcification within it.
中文: 胸部X光摄影及电脑断层扫描发现在她的左侧纵膈腔有一界限清楚的肿块,肿块内并有坏死及钙化。 更详细进入...
The patient underwent lateral rhinotomy and medial maxillectomy with the en bloc resection of the tumor with an uneventful postoperative course.
中文: 此病患接受外侧鼻腔及内侧上颌窦切除后至今未曾覆发。 更详细进入...
The results are as follows: . Left planum temporale of 8% fetal brains and 7% infant brains is larger than the right.
中文: 果如下:.8%的胎儿和7%的新生儿脑的左侧颞平面大于右侧; 更详细进入...
Cranial and cephalic are interchangeable adjectives which mean proceeding toward the brain and cranium.
中文: 颅侧和头为可互换使用的形容词,意为向脑或头颅的一侧。 更详细进入...
Rightward and leftward bisection biases in spatial neglect: two sides of the same coin?
中文: 空间忽视究竟是右侧优势还是左侧优势:一枚硬币的两面? 更详细进入...
Pterophyllum chengzihense sp.nov.,a new species from Lower Cretaceous of Jixi,Heilongjiang
中文: 黑龙江鸡西早白垩世侧羽叶一新种—城子河侧羽叶(Pterophyllum chengzihense sp.nov.) 更详细进入...
Because the plates and screws were made of titanium, we were able to perform postoperative MR imaging to evaluate the infection.
中文: 与前侧骨板相较之下,后侧侧体骨板可避免与感染源直接接触,在若干病患可减少内固定的节数。 更详细进入...
The lateral approach also can be made with the patient supine by placing a sandbag under the ipsilateral buttock, internally rotating the hip, and inverting the foot.
中文: 外侧人赂同样也可在患者仰卧位下进行,但需在患侧臀部下垫沙袋,内旋患侧髋关节,并将足内翻。 更详细进入...
1399 Richard Ⅱ became the first British monarch to abdicate-next day was deposed by Parliament, which chose Henry IV as his successor.
中文: 1399年的今天,理查德二世成为英国历史上第一个被废的君主——即位第二天国会便将他废黜,并立亨利四世为君。 更详细进入...
Fundus examination revealed bilateral foveal retinoschisis and inferior-temporal peripheral retinoschisis.
中文: 眼底呈两侧性黄斑部网膜分裂及颞侧下部周边网膜分裂。 更详细进入...
However, increasing the diameter of the dowel may reduce the stress slightly.
中文: (2)垂直受力时:螺旋根柱侧方的应力随受力而往两侧增加。 更详细进入...
On examination by carotid angiography, he proved to have right side carotid-cavernous sinus fistula.
中文: 经右侧颈动脉血管摄影后,证实为右侧颈动脉海绵窦瘻管。 更详细进入...
The adoption liquid of left right side urn presses the synchronous way, and guarantee the synchronous headway of left right side urn to squeeze.
中文: 左右侧缸采用液压同步方式,保证左右侧缸同步前进挤压。 更详细进入...