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    D: Oh, Mr Hudson is appearing at the door. I must go and bid welcome to him.

    中文: 哦,哈迪逊先生在门口。我得去向他问个好。 更详细进入...
    It was a hotline call from Khrushchev to President Johnson.

    中文: 是赫鲁晓夫打给约翰逊总统的直通电话。 更详细进入...
    Mr.Johnson preferred to be given heavier work to do.

    中文: 约翰逊先生宁愿分配给他更繁重的工作. 更详细进入...
    When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.

    中文: 箴11:2骄傲来、羞耻也来.谦逊人却有智慧。 更详细进入...

    中文: 自然保护区学说与麦克阿瑟-威尔逊理论 更详细进入...
    G:Good morning. Im the guet in Room 237 in Hudson Hotel. I wonder whether I can book a table for five tomorrow afternoon.

    中文: 早晨好,我是住在喻得逊饭店237房间的客人。我不知道可不可以订一张明天下午5点钟的餐桌。 更详细进入...
    Many Sunni fighters apparently detest such tactics, since they provoke the wrath of the Shia militias on their communities and on their co-religionists in mixed areas.

    中文: 许多逊尼战士显然反对这种策略,因为会激起在他们部落或者什叶派逊尼派混居区什叶民兵的仇恨。 更详细进入...
    Try also, Allison Pearson, I dont know how she does it. Good writer. No great story line, but still engaging.

    中文: 另外读一读阿里森皮尔逊的“我不知道她怎么做到的”不错的一个作家。并不很绝妙的故事情节,但却很吸引人。 更详细进入...
    Despite her professional success, she is always overshadow by her husband.

    中文: 尽管她事业有成,但和丈夫相比总觉逊色。 更详细进入...
    Johnson: As a kid who was your favorite footballer?

    中文: 约翰逊:谁是你在小时候最喜爱的足球员? 更详细进入...
    Meanwhile, publicity of a different nature haunted Jackson.

    中文: 与此同时,杰克逊却饱受丑闻的煎熬困扰。 更详细进入...
    Mr. Johnson: Are you using you mower this afternoon?

    中文: 约翰逊先生:今天下午你准备用割草机吗? 更详细进入...
    No, it\\\'s because you westerners all look alike to me. Sometimes I can hardly tell a Mr. Jackson from a Mr. Johnson.

    中文: 不是的。因为你们西方人对我来说都长得差不多,有时我都分辨不出哪一位是杰克逊先生,哪一位是约翰先生。 更详细进入...
    The Amazon's Strafe skill now correctly enhances base bow damage rather than total bow damage.

    中文: 亚马逊族女战士机枪扫射技能现在正确地改良基础弓损害而不是全的弓损害。 更详细进入...
    The Amazon's Guided Arrow skill now enhances base bow damage rather than total bow damage.

    中文: 亚马逊族女战士机枪扫射技能现在正确地改良基础弓损害而不是全的弓损害。 更详细进入...
    A: Marry; Mr. Johnson wants these documents to be copied.

    中文: 玛丽,约翰逊先生需要这些文件的复印件。 更详细进入...
    I have a collect call from Johnson. Will you accept the charges?

    中文: 约翰逊有个对方付钱的电话给您,您接吗? 更详细进入...
    I have a collect call from Johnson. Will you accept the charges?

    中文: 约翰逊有个对方付钱的电话给你。你接吗? 更详细进入...
    I obtained your name form Mr. Jackson last week.

    中文: 上星期我从杰克逊先生处知悉您的姓名。 更详细进入...
    Johnson set up a new Commonwealth Games in the 10000 meters.

    中文: 约翰逊创英联邦运动会万米赛跑新纪录。 更详细进入...

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