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    An exhibition in Paris shows how this process evolved.

    中文: 巴黎的一场展览表现了这一变迁的发展过程。 更详细进入...
    They followed their sheep as the were moved from one feeding ground to the next.

    中文: 他们随着羊群从一个草地迁移到另一个草地。 更详细进入...
    In 1919 the first eleven canvases were completed and exhibited in Prague, and America where they received a much warmer welcome.

    中文: 一九一九年,已完成的前十一幅制品也曾在布拉格,以及受到更大欢迎的美国展出。 更详细进入...
    One thin piece of bread has 90 calories.

    中文: 一薄片面包有九十卡路里。 更详细进入...
    Our hospital was established in 1950.

    中文: 我们的医院建于一九五○年。 更详细进入...
    A church would also be dismantled and moved inland.

    中文: 这里的一所教堂也将被拆迁到内陆去。 更详细进入...
    An alternative theory of generation and migration of petroleum is introduced.

    中文: 提出了石油生成和迁移的另一种理论。 更详细进入...
    After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

    中文: 饭后百步走,活到九十九。 更详细进入...
    Make sure you get there before nine.

    中文: 一定要在九点以前到那里。 更详细进入...
    This thesis unscramble roundly the theory of institutional change of Ross including the main body of institutional change, the causes and conditions of institutional change, the mode and process of institutional change and the character of institutional c

    中文: 摘要本文对诺思的制度变迁理论作了全面解读,包括制度变迁的主体、制度变迁的动因与条件、制度变迁的方式与过程、制度变迁的特征,并对该理论进行了点评。 更详细进入...
    The late Judge Li was in private practice before joining the Judiciary as Magistrate in 1987 and was appointed District Judge in 1995.

    中文: 李宗锷法官在一九八七年加入司法机构为裁判官前曾私人执业。他于一九九五年获委任为当时的地方法院法官。」 更详细进入...
    A man feeds Abu, a white-black vulture, in a field near the little village of Liederholthuis in Overijssel, Netherlands, May 9, 2007.

    中文: 五月九日在荷兰上爱赛省,一名男子在列德后突斯村附近的田野喂黑白秃鹰阿布吃东西。 更详细进入...
    The EU provides Ukraine with a Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) as well as a Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA) that took effect in 1998.

    中文: 除了欧盟提供一般优惠待遇外,双边的合作夥伴协定亦于一九九八年生效。 更详细进入...
    In the month of September, the band, consisting of perhaps five or six families, moves to a certain well-known pass, generally some narrow neck of land between two lakes, and there awaits the southerly migration of the reindeer.

    中文: 每当九月来临,一群群由五、六家爱斯基摩人组成的小队,便向某个湖口(即两湖之间的狭窄地带)聚去,他们在那儿守候向南边迁移的驯鹿。 更详细进入...
    The productivity gains from the second economic revolution were sometimes initiated by institutional by technological changes which induced institutional change and sometimes by institutional changes which induced technological change.

    中文: 来自第二次经济革命的产品收益有时是由技术变迁引导制度变迁而发生的,有时是由制度变迁引导技术变迁而发生的。 更详细进入...
    My family is going to move.

    中文: 我家要迁居了. 更详细进入...
    accommodate v.

    中文: 适应,迎合,迁就。 更详细进入...
    Cannot give in to the child.

    中文: 不能迁就孩子。 更详细进入...
    I will / will not attend the talk regarding Education Voucher on January 29th and would like to reserve seat(s).

    中文: 本人将会/不会出席贵校于一月二十九日举行之「学前教育学券计划简介会」,请预留座位个。 更详细进入...
    Since July 15, 1980, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications of our country has established express delivery with more than a dozen countries in the world.

    中文: 我国邮政自一九八0年七月十五日后,已同世界上十几个国家开办了特快专递邮件业务。 更详细进入...

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