The Juche Idea means, in a few words, that the owner of the revolution and construction are the people\'s masses.
中文: “简言之,主体思想是指革命和建设的主人是人民群众这一思想。” 更详细进入...
The death penalty for murder works on the principle of an eye for an eye.
中文: 犯谋杀罪处以死刑,其原则是一命抵一命。 更详细进入...
It was glorious to acquire a place by justice, yet more glorious to prefer justice before a place.
中文: 由正义而获得一个名位是光荣的,不过宁取得正义而牺牲名位,则更加光荣。 更详细进入...
First, we should give priority to development and promote common prosperity.
中文: 第一,以发展为中心,促进共同繁荣。 更详细进入...
The death penalty for murder works on the principle of an eye for an eye.
中文: 犯谋杀罪处以死刑, 其原则是一命抵一命. 更详细进入...
A syntype designated as the single name-bearing type specimen subsequent to the establishment of a nominal species or subspecies [Art. 74].
中文: 一个命名种或亚种建立之后,被指定为单一具名模式标本的一个总模式[第74条]。 更详细进入...
In the cluster the star, have a star is guide me of the life pass the unknowable and dark.
中文: 在群星之中,有一颗星是指导着我的生命通过不可知的黑暗的。 更详细进入...
Not paying attention to Jewish myths and the commandments of men who turn away from the truth.
中文: 14不注意犹太人虚构无稽之事,和转离真理之人的诫命。 更详细进入...
From what she has done, people can feel her strong love of the sea, the nature, the earth and even the microlife on the earth.
中文: 她以对自然所特有的那份挚爱之心和对生命的无限敬畏之情,尽其一生实践著环境保护运动,谱写了一首对海洋、自然、地球以及地球上所有的哪怕是最微小的生命的热爱之歌。 更详细进入...
The slogan As the revolutionary armies rises, the revolutionary party disappearswas a political slogan put forward by Zhang Taiyan to meet the needs of the transformation in the Chinese political system after the Wuchang Uprising.
中文: 摘要“革命军起,革命党消”是章太炎为适应武昌起义之后中国政制转型之需要而提出的政治口号。 更详细进入...
I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town.
中文: 我为自己能访问伟大的贵国和这座美丽的城市,再次表达我的愉快之情和荣幸之感。 更详细进入...
One is the lifeline, which represents health and longevity.
中文: 一条是生命线,代表健康和寿命。 更详细进入...
To beautify life is to give it an object.
中文: 美化生命就是给生命一个目标。 更详细进入...
Promised Land is the story one man's journey to find truth... and one community's desperate struggle to hide from it.
中文: 《应许之地》讲述了一个人寻找真理的旅途……和一个社会对它极度拼命的躲避。 更详细进入...
Nothing less than to seek and to know, and to love and to praise this glorious God.
中文: 除了寻求、认识、爱慕、并赞美这位荣耀的神之外,再也没有别的了。 更详细进入...
In effect, it translates the program line-by-line, alternately reading lines and carrying out commands.
中文: 在效果上,将程序一行一行的转换,在读取程序行和执行命令之间交替切换。 更详细进入...
Lk. 2:14 Glory in the highest places to God, and on earth peace among men of His good pleasure.
中文: 路二14在至高之处荣耀归与神,在地上平安临及他所喜悦的人。 更详细进入...
[bbe] The voice of the Lord is on the waters: the God of glory is thundering, the Lord is on the great waters.
中文: 耶和华的声音发在水上。荣耀的神打雷,耶和华打雷在大水之上。 更详细进入...
Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless?
中文: 能够容忍别人把一口面包从我嘴里抢走,把一滴生命之水从我杯子里泼掉? 更详细进入...
Adversity is the diamond dust with which life polishes its jewels.
中文: 逆境之于生命,犹如打磨首饰的钻石沙。 更详细进入...