I wish to proffer you my services, with the assurance that whatever claims and others you may be pleased to confide and recommend to my agency, shall be promptly and efficiently attended to.
不论任何要求或其他条件,只要委任或推荐本人为代理人,必能迅速有效的完成所赋任务。 |
I wish to proffer you my services, with the a urance that whatever claims and others you may be pleased to confide and recommend to my agency, shall be promptly and efficiently attended to.
不论任何要求或其他条件,只要委托或推荐本人为代理人;必能迅速有效的完成所赋任务。 |
I wish to propose a toast to our friendship.
我提议为我们的友谊干杯。 |
I wish to render service to my country.
因为我打算做一个好学生,希望将来为国家服务。 |
I wish to reserve a court.
我想预定网球场。 |
I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town.
我为自己能访问伟大的贵国和这座美丽的城市,再次表达我的愉快之情和荣幸之感。 |
I wish to say to the delegates to this international gathering, as brief as it may be, that it is my desire that not only this conference should achieve the greatest success, but also your visit here in Japan will prove to be a pleasant and meaningful one
愿各位参与这场国际性集会的代表,在这短暂的期间,我希望各位在此不但该达成空前的成功,而且日本能度过一个令人愉快且有意义的日子。 |
I wish to speak to you in private.
我想私下和你谈谈。 |
I wish to stage a musical with Chinese touch.
在我的事业上,只是有未达到的目标而已! |
I wish to stay at home.
我想呆在家里。 |
I wish to stress the point that a positive benefit of identifying and soliciting this elite group of prospects is learning more about and responding positively to the special interests of these supporters who may wish to support other programs of the Foun
我希望强调这点,寻找与恳求这个准捐赠人精英群的正面益处是更加了解和对于有关希望支援扶轮基金的其他计画特别兴趣的肯定回答。 |