Coach: They want you to sit out the game next week.
中文: 教练:他们不想让你在下周的比赛中上场。 更详细进入...
As a result, all types of Arabica coffee are not gourmet coffee.
中文: 然而,并不是所有的阿拉比卡咖啡都是极品咖啡。 更详细进入...
Bill: Thanks, Jane. You're a lifesaver. I owe you one.
中文: 比尔︰阿珍,谢谢妳。妳是我的救星。我欠妳一份人情。 更详细进入...
Comparative study of acitretin vs Antaisu compound in treatment of psoriasis vulgaris;
中文: 阿维A与复方氨肽素治疗寻常型银屑病的比较 更详细进入...
Israel is asking for more time, perhaps another week or two, to complete its demolition of Hizbullah's arsenal and create a new order in Lebanon.
中文: 以色列要求多一些时间,大概一两周,以摧毁真主党的军火库,在黎巴嫩建立新秩序。 更详细进入...
Whether the small print of yesterday's decision is enough to save the WTO from the disapprobation of red-state America remains to be seen.
中文: 上周四裁决的内容是否足以令世贸组织免受共和党掌权的美国非难,这尚未可知。 更详细进入...
Disaffected members have left to form a new party.
中文: 那些不忠分子脱党另组了一个新党. 更详细进入...
Our Party is a great, glorious and correct Party.
中文: 我们的党是一个伟大、光荣、正确的党。 更详细进入...
The labor Party snarled up the opposition in an election.
中文: 劳工党工竞选中搞乱了反对党阵线。 更详细进入...
The party may realign (itself) with Labour in a new coalition.
中文: 该党可能与工党重新组成新的联盟. 更详细进入...
Two Conservative MPs went over to the Liberals.
中文: 有两名保守党议员转至自由党一边. 更详细进入...
What match always on TV on Sunday afternoons?
中文: 什么比赛总是在每周日下午电视里播放? 更详细进入...
Over30 MPs have now broken away from their old party to form a new, independent one.
中文: 30多名党员已经退出了从前的党,成立了一个新的独立的党。 更详细进入...
I know Miami's only 9-12, but my God where would it be without his play?
中文: 我知道迈阿密仅仅是9胜12负,但我的天,如果没有韦德的比赛迈阿密会成为啥样子? 更详细进入...
my hope is that sanity could return to this chamber,judiciary committee chairman arlen specter, republican of pennsylvania, groused on the floor wednesday morning. if it existed, it is gone.
中文: 我希望公正和理智能够重回这个议厅,司法委员会主席,宾西法尼亚共和党阿伦。斯派克特在周三上午发言时抱怨说,“若公正和理智曾经存在过的话,现在却消逝殆尽了。” 更详细进入...
The “Terminator” actor and a moderate 56-year-old Republican, Arnold Schwarzenegger ended weeks of speculation, and made the announcement while being taped for an episode of “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno”.
中文: 外表温和、稳健的共和党人,“终结者”表演者,阿诺-施瓦辛格,经过长达一周的考虑,终于在接受“今晚与杰-雷诺谈谈”电台节目采访时,公布了他要参加加州州长竞选的决定。 更详细进入...
With public opinion polls still showing Republicans and President Bush suffering politically from the situation in Iraq, Democratic leaders took to the microphones to launch their latest criticisms.
中文: 随着周三议院重新工作,参议院的重新选举。国会的民主党人和共和党人明确表示他们认为伊拉克和安全问题是即将到来的选举的关键。 更详细进入...
Supporters gathered at the San Diego waterfront as the 13-term Republican shared his big news Monday.
中文: 周一他的支持者们和13届共和党议员们聚集在圣地亚哥码头分享这一头条新闻。 更详细进入...
He says the sharpest rise has occurred in Afghanistan's southern provinces, where the Talebanled insurgency has destabilized the entire region.
中文: 他说最显著的增长发生在阿富汗南部省份,那里也正是塔利班叛党引起整个动荡的地区。 更详细进入...
Are you a Communist or have you ever been a Communist?
中文: 你是共产党或者曾经是共产党吗? 更详细进入...