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    And 100 per cent knowledge is impossible.

    中文: 而百分之百的了解是`不可能的。 更详细进入...
    Cancer sufferers are absolutely of acid constitution.

    中文: 癌症患者百分之百是酸性体质。 更详细进入...
    Do you carry hundredpercent cotton pants?

    中文: 你们有百分之百纯棉的裤子吗? 更详细进入...
    Do you have 100% percent cotton pants?

    中文: 你们有百分之百纯棉的裤子吗? 更详细进入...
    I will QSL to you 100%(One-hundred percent).

    中文: 我将百分之百地把卡片寄给你。 更详细进入...
    It beats the Dutch how Jordan always makes a basket.

    中文: 乔丹投篮百发百中,真令人叫绝。 更详细进入...
    Loopholes in the proposed tax law could mean that it is in for a bumpy ride when it goes before the Senate, and may even be quashed by a presidential veto.

    中文: 建议中的税法漏洞百出,被参议院通过的前景十分艰难,即使通过,也有可能因总统否决而无效。 更详细进入...
    Rottenness entered my bones, And I tremble in my place, Because I must wait quietly for the day of distress, When he who attacks comes up against the people.

    中文: 我的骨中朽烂,我在所立之处战兢,因我必须安静等候急难的日子临到,进攻的人上来攻击百姓。 更详细进入...
    The special terminology understood among the members of a profession, discipline, or class but obscure to the general population; jargon.

    中文: 术语,行话在一个职业、学科或阶层的成员间能被理解的特殊术语,但对一般大众来说却晦涩难懂;专门术语 更详细进入...
    It is unbearable to meet as well as to depart.

    中文: 相见时难别亦难。 更详细进入...
    Keeping is harder than winning.

    中文: 创业难,守业更难。 更详细进入...
    Resisting treatment or control; unruly.

    中文: 难治的难以治疗或控制的;难控制的 更详细进入...
    Soldiers have to obey orders to the letter.

    中文: 战士必须百分之百地服从命令。 更详细进入...
    They spin at 400-500 revolutions per minute.

    中文: 它们每分钟旋转四百到五百周。 更详细进入...
    A waterlogged ship.

    中文: 一般进了水的船 更详细进入...
    B:How long is the honeymoon?

    中文: 蜜月一般都多长? 更详细进入...
    Dogs bite in every country.

    中文: 天下乌鸦一般黑. 更详细进入...
    How long is a shoe, usually?

    中文: 一般鞋子有多长? 更详细进入...
    Oh the pink roses of the pubis!

    中文: 噢,玫瑰般的小腹! 更详细进入...
    She's as meek as a lamb .

    中文: 她像羔羊般温顺. 更详细进入...

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