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It is unbearable to meet as well as to depart.

It is two-way street in politics. When you ignore people, they are going to ignore you. 这是政治上的一种有来有往的现象,如果你不理睬比儿女,别人也就不理睬你。
It is typical of her to gaze at others with her eyes narrowed because of her myopia. 因为有点近视,她有眯着眼睛看人的习惯。
It is typical of her to narrow her eyes because she has a short sight. 因为有点近视,她有眯着眼睛看人的习惯。
It is typically a very positive mental state. 它是很典型的正面精神状态。
It is typically produced as a free flowing, pale off-white colored, coarse to fine ground powder. 典型的产品为一种自由流动、浅白色、粗到细的基础粉料。
It is unbearable to meet as well as to depart. 相见时难别亦难。
It is unbelievable how stupid he is. 他真是笨得令人难以置信。
It is unbelievable that our draft should have met with refusal while all the documents attached were in perfect compliance with the terms of the L/C. 查我方汇票所附各种单据与信用证条款完全一致,现竟遭拒付,令人难于置信。
It is uncertain how the title-holders, who shot from ninth to first last season, will cope with the dual burdens of the Bundesliga and a first Champions League campaign in four years with only a marginally improved team. 很难预测卫冕冠军如何仅凭稍微改进的球队应付双线作战,德甲联赛,和四年内的首次参加的冠军联赛,他们在上赛季从第九位窜升至第一位。
It is uncertain if this type of dueling is the same as the sport variety or if it refers to the more lethal pistols at dawnvariety of duel. 我们不清楚这里要禁止的是运动性的巫师决斗,还是那种危险系数较大的有生命危险的巫师决斗。
It is uncertain,however,whether the harpsichord or flute version is meant here.Different Stylistic and compositional-technical indications point to the priority of the flute version and thus situate it in the context of the royal soiress in which c.p.e.ba 这种说法还不能确定,究竟,在这里指的是大键琴还是长笛还不确定.不同的音乐风格和作品的演奏风格都倾向于长笛版本的说法,因为这种音乐经常被巴赫以其卓绝的音乐才能应用在普鲁士宫廷贵族们的聚会上.

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